Non-knee intensive KB exercises

Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
I have hurt my knee doing lunges & squats, it's the outside of my right kneecap, so squats are almost impossible as it won't drive my weight back up. What KB exercises can I do to keep my strength training on track until the knee stops twinging? I cycle so I'm hoping that will help strengthen it back up. It was really quite bad after a couple of squats last night and made even KB swings difficult, but I should be ok if I avoid squats and lunges for now - but I want to work my glutes and abs still.

Any ideas greatly appreciated :)


  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I would think any kind of hip hinge exercise (like swings, snatches, cleans, deadlifts, etc.) would be okay, since the "bending" comes more from the hips than the knees. I'm not sure how much the lockout of the knees would affect your injury, though.

    Also, overhead exercises like presses are good for core stabilization.
  • KidP
    KidP Posts: 247 Member
    I have a wonky knee that often feels bad on the outside of knee cap, but i don't find that swings hurt or bother it at all. I don't squat particularly deep while swinging. But as mentioned, if your knee is really bugging you, you could do various presses to help keep you going. I also like to do an exercise i call "around the world" (not sure what it's really called) where you swing the 'bell around your body from front to back, passing it from one hand to another. I think i learned a version of it off the Agatsu dvd. You don't need to bend your knees for that one - just be prepared to move if you drop it.
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    Thanks both for the advice. I carried on with the presses after my knee "went" and that was okay - but it's calmed down a lot now so I reckon I should be ok with swings, cleans, snatches etc as you say, I'll just avoid squats and lunges until it's properly right and not twingeing. I really love the variety of workouts you can get just using kettlebells - and there's so much I need to learn. I'll do squats in view of a mirror so I can see if my form is wrong and I'm over-extending my knee over my toes, once it's right that is.

    Cheers :)