Starting off



  • Blaqheart
    Blaqheart Posts: 235
    I'm here to gain weight and muscle. I have always had trouble gaining no matter what I done.
    I don't even hit the bmi chart and that is scary! I'm 5'7" and today for some reason weight 107.4lbs. I have even begun to eat 5 -6 times a day. I have been here for 3 weeks now and just recently got a few friends so now I have some support and cheerleaders. I :heart: my cheerleaders!

    I don't have a pic in my avatar because well honestly I am super skinny and I don't want to freak anyone out.
    If this weightloss keeps up i will gain my coveted super power - Invisible! yeah I can laugh about it been teased all my life bout being a stringbean I'm used to it. besides if you can't laugh at yourself once in awhile who can you? :tongue:

    I might get brave and take a pic today for my avatar. It may be the first step to bravedom. I dunno should I?? :glasses:

    I seem to have what my Mum calls "nervous stomach" and extremely high metabolism. I respond to stress and bad news by shaking and lose the ability to eat anything. After than I lose lose lose :sad:

    The only time I have actually gained weight was when pregnant with my dd. She's 5 now.

    The most I've ever weighed before being pregnant was 110lbs.

    I am accepting friends, tips, and advice. I am also a great cheerleader. :drinker:
    Take care namaste,
  • MamaAubry
    MamaAubry Posts: 8
    First of all, Hi!

    I've always been thin. I wasn't overly thin as a child, but when I hit puberty my metabolism skyrocketted and I was skinny to the point of being teased. I tried everything to gain weight including drinking ensure with every meal, eating my weight in pasta, potatoes, and peanut butter... nothing worked. Then around age 23 my metabolism calmed down a bit. I settled around 125 pounds (I'm 5'7) fluctuating about 10 pounds in either direction. I was still thin but not overly so, and I was comfortable with myself.

    Then at the end of 2010 I got pregnant. My starting weight at my first pre-natal check-up was 118.5. I ended up around 150 pounds, which was where the doc wanted me. Then post baby, the weight melted off due to the fact that I'm exclussively breastfeeding. At first I was happy about it, when I was back to 125# at my 6 week check-up... but then the weight loss never stopped. A couple weeks ago one of my coworkers commented on the fact that I looked like I'd lost a significant amount of weight, and I thought... well that's not good! So I weighed myself, and was disturbed to find I was down to 112 lbs, which puts my BMI at 17.5, and as someone who works in healthcare, I know that that's REALLY not good. So I downloaded the MFP app, and have been calorie counting ever since. I gained two pounds the first week, but this morning I was back down to 112.6. I was too disappointed to even log it.

    I was so relieved to find that I'm not the only one using MFP to try to gain weight! usually when you tell people you want to GAIN weight they roll their eyes or say something like, "WHY?!" or "Wish I had that problem!" or even better, the classic, "Want some of mine?" To which my response is generally. "YES!"

    Anyway... Recommended net caloric intake for a breastfeeding mom is about 2400, which I'm finding it REALLY hard to meet. Especially since my husband is currently unemployed and sometimes that makes it difficult to eat AT ALL (what with the foods costing the moneys - psssh!)

    Looking forward to sharing triumphs and tribulations or whatever. :)
  • AgentWalker008
    I'm looking to gain weight because until I was 20 I weighed in at 42kg (7 stone 2). I finally met someone who I'm happy to say I'm marrying next year, and I felt that I needed to gain weight so I look healthy for my wedding! So far I've gone up to 8 stone 1 (51.3kg) and even though my ticker won't show the changes, I'm pleased to be gaining!