Dukan and Your Numbers!



  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Thanks, Cathmcb- I hope everyone is enjoying the Dukan Diet as much as I am!:love:
  • photorific
    photorific Posts: 577 Member
    SW 157
    CW 154.5
    GW 128

    The thinnest I've been is about 117 - and seeing as I'm now closer in age to 40 than 30 - I'm ok with the little bit extra. :) I did 5 days of attack and am on day 3 of cruise. The initial loss wasn't as much as I'd hoped, but I'll take anything in the right direction. GLA!
  • HKSteph
    HKSteph Posts: 19 Member
    SW: 177lbs
    CW: 173lbs
    TW: 151lbs

    Have lost 4lbs in the first 2 days of Attack! Really pleased about that and have another 2 days before cruise. I am feeling cautiously optimistic about the diet - I really hope it works!

    Thanks for sharing all your numbers, it's really motivational!
  • CarolAnderson53
    CarolAnderson53 Posts: 4 Member
    SW 160
    GW 147
    CW 151

    Day 4 of attack phase and lost 3.8lbs so happy! Talking about numbers... what percentages does everyone set their daily Carb/Protein/Fat levels at?
  • asauna
    asauna Posts: 8
    Yesterday was my FIRST day on the diet. This morning i was down FOUR pounds. I'm so excited!!! I'm looking forward to the end of this first week. i hope i'm ten pounds down by then . . . hoping. lol.

    SW on dukan- 188.5 lbs
    GW- 135 lbs
    CW- 184.5

    today is day 2.