Feeling a tad "fuzzy"

celebrity328 Posts: 377 Member
So I am my first week into this Keto thing and really didnt exp the "flu" like most people have. But for the last day or so ive noticed my mind feels fuzzy/foggy for a couple hours then goes away. My question is since im at 20g carbs or below somtimes im at 10 for the day.. could the lack of carbs be making me feel this way? I started a multi via today thinking maybe it was the lack of something in fruit or not getting enough or something. any exp/advise would be awesome.


  • mjslazak
    mjslazak Posts: 179 Member
    Welcome to the "carb flu". Yes, the lowering of your carb count can certainly make you feel that way. It's almost a sort of withdrawal. Be sure to keep up your good fats and protein, drink lots of water and in a few days the symptoms should subside. Hang in there!
  • laurelderry
    laurelderry Posts: 384 Member
    When I first started the Primal Blueprint last year, I went through this too. It's completely normal- your body is just adjusting to the change. ^^ And I agree- LOTS of water :)
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    Great advice girls!

    Just think how your body is adapting. If you're like me, there's probably been years upon years of burning sugar for fuel. Now that sugar isn't an option, it's gotta shift its gears and figure out how to burn fat. Burn fat, how I love this concept!

    Jimmy Moore had Mark Sisson on one of his podcasts, "Ketosis, Devil or Angel" It's episode 5 of "ask the low carb expert". It was interesting to hear them talk about ketosis and in particular the issue you brought up. I think they said it takes about 3 weeks to really shift completely over, hmmmm. The podcast is free if you want to check it out.

    The only thing I didn't quite agree with is I think they were talking some about lowering fat...I need to go back and listen to it again. I've always heard you should be pretty darned high fat with this diet. I'm often 50-65% or more...

    Something to ponder...hope you're starting to be a little less fuzzy!
  • celebrity328
    celebrity328 Posts: 377 Member
    Its really odd because one day Im GREAT then the next day I just feel really foggy.. Im like is there something wrong?

    I have 2 friends who are on the same diet and ones of them told me today that it took 2-3 weeks for him to stop feeling foggy also so Im thinking that I wont worry about it lol until my 3 weeks is up ;) Today im fine! so we shall see.