Has anyone lost a large amount of weight eating more?



  • booluviemomma

    Try this calculator - it sounds like you are underestimating your activity level. I did. I have kids and I burn at least 3000 on an average day. Was shocked!! Print out the form you'll find, and track yourself for a day or two.

    You can afford to be patient because the process of eating more is so much more pleasant than any diet. Your metabolism is damaged and when you feed yourself enough you will heal and feel so much better. Accept where you are and have patience. That's what i am doing. It is hard to trust and have patience with the process.

    Anyone else get a ridiculously high number with this calc? I got well over 4,000 per day? Which would mean even at a significant cut would have my TDEG well over 3,000! I'm currently at 2,000, and I thought my TDEE was more like 2,800. Hmmmm....
  • BluthLover
    BluthLover Posts: 301 Member
    What an inspiring thread!! Thank you all!
  • iwantwow
    iwantwow Posts: 152 Member
    same here...it took a lot of courage to start eating more and hope "now" its my time to shine....i have started eating at my TDEE -15% ,but i am always looking for people who have lost 30-40 pounds using this,it feels right.....this morning only i came across a post about 1200 calories weight loss success and u know what i started doubting my judgement...its just frustating

    P.S -i also need to lose about 30 more pounds,but my initial goal is to be at 170 pounds (CW:186)
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Anyone else get a ridiculously high number with this calc? I got well over 4,000 per day? Which would mean even at a significant cut would have my TDEG well over 3,000! I'm currently at 2,000, and I thought my TDEE was more like 2,800. Hmmmm....

    Ya, that came up on public forums, and almost everyone commented how high it was, only 4 levels, no references as to what it uses. Made us all wonder.
  • cherrybomb_77
    cherrybomb_77 Posts: 411 Member
    I've lost 53 pounds over the last 15 months, and the most of that time I've been eating more. It did take awhile (maybe a couple of months?) to start seeing real results.
  • muffinsandcakes
    muffinsandcakes Posts: 333 Member
    so we should eat more or less :/ ??
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    so we should eat more or less :/ ??

    You eat more than bare minimum so you aren't abusing your body while expecting it to work with you for weight loss.

    You eat less than you burn daily or on average by a reasonable amount for fat to lose and exercise done.

  • Fitteacherc
    Fitteacherc Posts: 38 Member
    I've ditched my scale and use calipers and a tape measure to gauge my progress. It's made me stick with my program (the scale shows a gain but I've definitely lost inches - I know the scale will catch up sooner or later). I weigh myself once-a-month and take measurements weekly.