Ladies, how do you deal with that monthly energy drain?

Back2Basic Posts: 69 Member
Cramps, I can deal with. But for me, I always get a complete drain of energy during my period. I also get a horrible urge to snack. This time, at least, we stocked up on fruit, so hopefully it won't completely derail my diet. But how do you get the motivation to work out?


  • TNDamisi
    TNDamisi Posts: 45 Member
    Usually I just force myself to do it and complain mentally the whole time. :laugh: I don't really have a better answer than that. I do manage to come up with some creative insults though, so I guess that's something.

    The snacking isn't too bad for me, I just get salty and sweet cravings and have snarfed down chips or candy before I realized what I was doing - even if I have to go out and buy some. I try to eat enough to stop the craving and just work it into my calorie allotment for the day. If I go over, I'll work it off that day or another. I try to be forgiving of myself during those times, since obsessing about it just makes me feel bad.