


  • Glitter969
    Glitter969 Posts: 77 Member
    Glitter & others, Are you finding that you can base your deficit on the numbers you're getting from your Fitbit for your TDEE and having success doing so? A lot are reporting that they are finding they are more active than they thought, so I'm wondering if they're finding that estimate to be accurate?

    Fuzzyslipperz, 2500-3000 does seem high, especially at 120 pounds. Maybe you're just blessed with a high metabolism, or you don't give yourself enough credit for how much walking you do. How many steps a day do you average? Let us know how the higher numbers work out for you, if you choose to use them in figuring your deficit.

    I have taken a bit of a different approach where I take both my fitbit TDEE min cut value and the fat2fitradio calorie intake into consideration to determine a starting point. From there I put it into practice to see what type of results I get. I have recently adjusted my daily goal from 1800 to 2000 and seem to be getting better results but want to see what it does over a few weeks before I make a call.

    I read once that we should stop obsessing about calculating our perfect calorie intake on paper and rather just try something out based on our best knowledge at the time and listen to our bodies and look at our results and adjust from there. That made a lot of sense to me, especially since I want to learn to be more in tune with what my body wants to tell me.

    I have also found that my Fitbit shows a higher TDEE than I expected, but I tend to use it more to keep me motivated and focused in relative terms (one day's reading compared to the next), rather than using the absolute number as is.
  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    i am.

    I consider the total cals burned in the day according to my fitbit my TDEE. Got to be more accurate than any calculator where you just guess how active you are. Mine said i was more active than just sedentary which is was i thought i was. i have an office job but when i get home i tend to do a lot of housework and gardening which is when i do most of my steps.

    I also really like how you can look at a whole week of stats and see the total calorie deficit over a week. Remember 3500 cals deficit is supposed to equal a pound, so it is always interesting if i've lost more than that calculation should suggest or less...

    Oh cool! I also use a fitbit and never played aorund enough online to realize I could look at it a week at a time. just did that and it gave me a 2800 cal loss for the week! Right on target then. I thought I did bad. SOOO yes I really like my fitbit and two of my friends are also considering buying one. Yesterday I volunteered at our school all day. Came home and was very tired and couldnt figure out why. When I checked online my fitbit told me I walked 17000 steps (6 miles)!! No wonder why and I wouldnt have thought this had I not had the fitbit! So it added 500 cals to MFP. LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!