Help I have upped my calories and gained 4lbs in 3 days :(

sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
Hi I upped my calories from 1200 to 1649 last week I lost 1lbs the first week didnt weigh until today 3 days after weigh in and I GAINED 4lbs in 3 days ?
Im sad as it took me 4 weeks of hard work to lose the 4lbs.
I do Zumba 4-6 times a week burning 500-700 calories each time
Im 42
5ft 2in
I started at 229lbs Jan 24th this year I was 207lbs Tuesday (now +4lbs)
I have 70lbs to goal
My BMR is 1649
My Tdee is 2029

Im so worried if I gain 4lbs in 3 days how much will I gain in 30 days?
Im getting married December so I ned to lose this weight.
I have yoyoed so I wanted to find a plan for life and not feel so hungry.
Even my waist has gone up.

I usually do weightwatchers old plan and lose 1-3lbs every week but yoyoed on this so wanted a complete life change

Im so :,( today now I dont even want to exercise............


  • ecrogers4
    ecrogers4 Posts: 90 Member
    HUGS! I wish I had an answer for you... Hugs hugs hugs!
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    HUGS! I wish I had an answer for you... Hugs hugs hugs!

    Me to ,Thanks though , I am having a bad day anyway so this isnt helping xx
  • I have the answer for you!

    To gain 1 real pound you have to eat 3500 calories, did you??

    If not : when you exercice, your muscles keep water and other things to take care of them after the hard work that means water gain pounds... Is TOM coming soon? It can be this....

    Don't forget that your body needs time to reset is metabolism and believe that you won't never again strave it!

    I gain back 3 pounds on the 7 I have lost before I increased my calories.. went from 1500 cal/ day to 2000-2500 cal / day....
    This morning... SURPRISE!!!! almost on week 4 and I lost 3.2 pounds!

    Keep going, keep working, keep believing inti!! it works!!!

    I'm there for you if you need :)
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hi I upped my calories from 1200 to 1649 last week I lost 1lbs the first week didnt weigh until today 3 days after weigh in and I GAINED 4lbs in 3 days ?
    Im sad as it took me 4 weeks of hard work to lose the 4lbs.
    I do Zumba 4-6 times a week burning 500-700 calories each time
    Im 42
    5ft 2in
    I started at 229lbs Jan 24th this year I was 207lbs Tuesday (now +4lbs)
    I have 70lbs to goal
    My BMR is 1649
    My Tdee is 2029

    Im so worried if I gain 4lbs in 3 days how much will I gain in 30 days?
    Im getting married December so I ned to lose this weight.
    I have yoyoed so I wanted to find a plan for life and not feel so hungry.
    Even my waist has gone up.

    I usually do weightwatchers old plan and lose 1-3lbs every week but yoyoed on this so wanted a complete life change

    Im so :,( today now I dont even want to exercise............

    Hi there,

    Don't be discouraged my friend....listen, there is no way to gain 4lbs in three days...ok no way to gain true weight I should say...that is water. Have you taken a look at the "What to expect when upping calories". I think that would help you tremendously.

    If at all possible, can you start lifting weights? That will help you to tone nicely.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I have the answer for you!

    To gain 1 real pound you have to eat 3500 calories, did you??

    If not : when you exercice, your muscles keep water and other things to take care of them after the hard work that means water gain pounds... Is TOM coming soon? It can be this....

    Don't forget that your body needs time to reset is metabolism and believe that you won't never again strave it!

    I gain back 3 pounds on the 7 I have lost before I increased my calories.. went from 1500 cal/ day to 2000-2500 cal / day....
    This morning... SURPRISE!!!! almost on week 4 and I lost 3.2 pounds!

    Keep going, keep working, keep believing inti!! it works!!!

    I'm there for you if you need :)

    So very true!!!

  • rebekahgo
    rebekahgo Posts: 235 Member
    Hi I upped my calories from 1200 to 1649 last week I lost 1lbs the first week didnt weigh until today 3 days after weigh in and I GAINED 4lbs in 3 days ?
    Im sad as it took me 4 weeks of hard work to lose the 4lbs.
    I do Zumba 4-6 times a week burning 500-700 calories each time
    Im 42
    5ft 2in
    I started at 229lbs Jan 24th this year I was 207lbs Tuesday (now +4lbs)
    I have 70lbs to goal
    My BMR is 1649
    My Tdee is 2029

    Im so worried if I gain 4lbs in 3 days how much will I gain in 30 days?
    Im getting married December so I ned to lose this weight.
    I have yoyoed so I wanted to find a plan for life and not feel so hungry.
    Even my waist has gone up.

    I usually do weightwatchers old plan and lose 1-3lbs every week but yoyoed on this so wanted a complete life change

    Im so :,( today now I dont even want to exercise............


    first, congrats on your upcoming wedding!!

    second, i'm sorry you're having a bad day.

    third, you might not like hearing it, but you actually need to eat more *ducking the pan you just threw at me*

    seriously, if you are eating 1649, you are only eating to your BMR. that is what you burn in a day if you're in a coma. since you are in fact getting up and living life and exercising and such, you need to fuel all that activity by eating more. your cut value (TDEE - 15%) is actually 1724 according to the numbers you have provided. you need to be at least eating that. and on days that you burn a bunch of calories, you need to make sure that your cut value - your burn doesn't take you below your BMR. you need to be sure to AT LEAST eat your BMR on exercise days.


    you have a regular day but don't make it to the gym or do anything that you consider exercise, so on that day you eat your cut value of 1724 (round that number to something even if you want to, this isn't an exact science).

    the next day, you do a zumba class and burn 600 calories. if you subtract 600 from 1724 (cut value) you get 1124. that is 525 calories below your BMR. you need more fuel!!! on that day, you need to eat an additional 525 to meet your BMR number.

    does that make sense, or do i still need to watch for flying pans? this really does work. you took a big scary step when you upped your calories the first time. you need to do it again though to really get to where you need to be.
  • bsinno
    bsinno Posts: 344 Member
    *ducking the pan you just threw at me*
    the first time. you need to do it again though to really get to where you need to be.


    but seriously its true. you don't gain 4 pounds in 3 days, it nearly impossible. hide the scale & have faith!

    and don't NOT exercise tonight!! then...the evil scale WINS! plus, i bet you feel a lot better after you get those endorphans pumping!!
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    Thanks great support
    I changed my scales from lbs to stone & lbs Tuesday & forgot I weighed 206lbs Tuesday my scales said 14 stone 10lbs for some moment of madness my head clocked the 10 when I was 205lbs

    My daughter collapsed on me this morning think my head was shocked

    I do believe I'll lose but I'm
    Scared ill gain eating my net I'll stick to 1649 this week then up it to 1749 next week

    Thanks alot it's really appreciated x
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 994 Member
    P.s. You should think about hiding your scale for the first few weeks... and make sure to Measure every part of you now! Because the measurements will start changing, even if the scale doesnt.. Its evil and its out to destroy us.

    My weight went up 4-5 lbs when i started eating more.. as soon as i went to my cut rate instead of just a random higher number, those 5lbs came right back off.

    Jump in with both feet and commit...
    you wont regret it.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    TOSS THE SCALE! I am still trying to do this, however the best way:

    Measure yourself! Get all your measurements and compare them (dont do it daily), but measure yourself at the same time of the day maybe every other week

    My weight has held steady now at 291.8 for the last week (aside from the water weight from the weekend), and has been this for 3 weeks now.

    However I lost an 1" around my neck, 1.5" around my belly and so on, all while my weight didnt move. My body is changing, adapting, and I am sure my metabolism is gonna go ballistic at some point and me weight will drop.

    I know its hard, I get upset about it too! and post in here so that Lucia and Kiki can slap the heck outta me and snap me outta it :)
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    Ah thanks great people here :)
    Feel better x
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 994 Member
    I measure only once a month.

    first month i lost 3.5 inches, my 3rd measurement date will be Monday so i'll let you know how that goes.
    I started at 197, at the start of April I was 187, and today I am 186. I weigh everyday and track on the hackers diet site. As long as my weight is trending down, I don't really care what the # says..

    Its so hard to tear ourselves away from the scale and to not have it on the high pedestal as the be all and end all of weight loss. But there are so many other predictors. The measuring tape, the fit of your "skinny" jeans, pant size, shirt size, finding that your loose workout pants now fall off you when you run...

    Its all about the Non-scale victories...


    We can do this!
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 994 Member
    P.s. rebecca is right,, eat more than your BMR.. your body will thank you.
  • I have the answer for you!

    To gain 1 real pound you have to eat 3500 calories, did you??

    If not : when you exercice, your muscles keep water and other things to take care of them after the hard work that means water gain pounds... Is TOM coming soon? It can be this....

    Don't forget that your body needs time to reset is metabolism and believe that you won't never again strave it!

    I gain back 3 pounds on the 7 I have lost before I increased my calories.. went from 1500 cal/ day to 2000-2500 cal / day....
    This morning... SURPRISE!!!! almost on week 4 and I lost 3.2 pounds!

    Keep going, keep working, keep believing inti!! it works!!!

    I'm there for you if you need :)

    So very true!!!


    Had a good teacher ! :):wink:
  • missprincessjenny
    missprincessjenny Posts: 104 Member
    I gained eight pounds in a week. But I took meds that are notorious for weight gain. I know how you feel seeing that number on the scale. But I tell myself I can do this. I am stronger than when I started (my weights have gone up) and I feel so much more happier exercising and eating right. Eventually those numbers on the scale will go down.
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    TOSS THE SCALE! I am still trying to do this, however the best way:

    Measure yourself! Get all your measurements and compare them (dont do it daily), but measure yourself at the same time of the day maybe every other week

    My weight has held steady now at 291.8 for the last week (aside from the water weight from the weekend), and has been this for 3 weeks now.

    However I lost an 1" around my neck, 1.5" around my belly and so on, all while my weight didnt move. My body is changing, adapting, and I am sure my metabolism is gonna go ballistic at some point and me weight will drop.

    I know its hard, I get upset about it too! and post in here so that Lucia and Kiki can slap the heck outta me and snap me outta it :)

    I think I love you Mike : ) how is the war on sodium going ??
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    I upped my calories conservatively 3 weeks ago from 1500 to 1700 and have gained two pounds and locked my scale in my husbands trunk. But a side by side comparison of last months photo (at 126 lbs) and this months photo (at 128 lbs) shows me proof positive i'm on the right track. You need to be patient and it will happen
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    Thanks will stick at raising them gradually
  • pg1girl
    pg1girl Posts: 268 Member
    I have been into eating more for three weeks now and gained 7 pounds. I am still up those seven pounds but I see such a huge difference in my body from lifting that I have come to realize that the number on the scale is not that important. I am beginning to love what I see when I look in the mirror. I love my muscles and wouldn't trade them for all the "skinny" in the world. Stay strong and look at the big picture. I dont know Lucia and Kiki but they have helped me tremendously to see what our bodies need to survive and to be healthy and strong!
