Ignore scale, revel in #s

mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
I did a quick intro on the Introductions board a few days ago. But wanted to post a little longer post about me and my first couple of weeks with eating more and lifting heavy crap. :wink:

Stats - 5' 8 1/2" 156 lbs (will get into that later) 29 year old, wife, Mom of 2 handsome boys and full time working gal.

How I landed on MFP: Came onto MFP a bit after having my 2nd baby to get rid of the baby weight. Lost a good amount of that plus a little I'd held onto from baby #1.

Short version of my story: College volleyball girl meets college basketball boy, move in together girl gains weight as often happens in these stories with the late nights, date nights, and all that fun stuff, girl loses some weight for wedding through low calorie diet and no exercise, girl and boy marry, have baby #1, girl loses most of weight quickly from baby #1 through (again) low cal no exercise (who is this girl?! why does she not exercise after playing sports for so many years!?!), has baby #2 23 months after baby #1, girl realizes body will not just respond to low calorie any longer so girl finds MFP starts workouts and low calorie eating. Initially mostly steady state cardio. Loses most of baby #2 weight. Does Beach Body's Insanity for 1 round and then starts dabbling with other forms of exercise still eating a lower calorie range around 1350. No real response for year. Low carb? Sure why not...get weight response but realize it's not a long term solution. Start P90x/Turbo Fire/Running Hybrid. No real response. What's next? Education. Lots of education. Which leads me to where I'm at now. Eat more, lift things, work hard. And wait for results.

I had been at 1540 for the past couple of months as I played with lower carb ranges. Like I said, my body gave up weight but my workouts suffered and I knew it wasn't something I could maintain. So I conceded to give DH's methods a shot. He's been heavy lifting for a couple years now. Went from super lean to massive lifts and excellent muscles :love: during that time. Upped my calories to 1750 on 4/21/12.

And where am I today- 5/3/12? Well the scale says I'm up 5.6lbs. I've been hovering around 150-151 since coming off my low carb kick. But mainly for the past year it's been right around 153 consistently It's frustrating but that's the mental game. I'm only in Stage one of NROL so I promised myself I'd complete stage 1 at one calorie range and find out what the results were. Not just what I 'think' they are based on a short term analysis of the scales response. It's scary as all hell. I'm turning 30 and want to go at that milestone full strength with my hard work showing off. But that's in 40+ days...I have to think longer term than that, and I have to keep reminding myself to NOT make adjustments to variables like my workouts and my calorie range.

Thus, leads me to finding this board to engage with others just starting out with higher calories to break plateaus or lose BF. And to gain insight from those that have done it and know the ropes. Much thanks to those who created the excellent pinned topics and that provide awesome responses.

And long ramblings over...that's my story in a nut shell.


  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    OH! And the 'revel in #s' was meant as a lead in to my new found favorite #s.

    DH and I hit the gym to workout plus complete a strength test so I can monitor my progress. This was the result:

    Squat: 135lbs x 4
    Dead lift: 185 X 3
    Bench Press: 100 x1

    Lots of room for improvement but happy with where I'm starting at!
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    (who is this girl?! why does she not exercise after playing sports for so many years!?!),

    Haha! You crack me up!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Well, I am truly impressed by those numbers! Now that you are fueling...just wait:wink:
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    Woot! Those are some impressive numbers! Over the past several weeks I've been over the scale and focusing instead on my lifts and I am loving how that is changing my perspective!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Woot! Those are some impressive numbers! Over the past several weeks I've been over the scale and focusing instead on my lifts and I am loving how that is changing my perspective!

    BECCAAAAAAA....YESSSSSS! Whew, to finally grab a hold of that "perspective" makes the scale so less important!!! My goodness, to look in the mirror and see your body literally morphing and clothes getting biggerr and fat disappearing...WHO CARES ABOUT THE SCALE:tongue: