I'm not *really* on the ledge, but...

I could still use to be talked off it. A week in to eating more and I am .4 pounds heavier this week, up almost two from my all-time low. That's nothing, right? I should just relax and stay the course.

My BMR is around 1470 and my TDEE about 2200, and I'm shooting for around 1900 calories a day, always making sure to at least net 1470 (I work out most days of the week).

It's going to be fine. (Right?)


  • bsinno
    bsinno Posts: 358 Member

    I am in the SAME boat and saw a .6 gain this week and nearly blew a gasket even though i expected it a little.

    that was wed. today i weighed again and was down 1.2 lbs from the start. i think our bodies are just adjusting...
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Yes absolutely fine...think of the fact that you are eating so much more and you had a slight increase(just the adjustment period we talk about)...your body is wondering are you going to be consistent and holds at first, but in being consistent it will start to let go of the fat...trust me. Feel feel to friend me and take a look at my photos you can see the difference in shots when I started eating more...the first photo in pink top is when I started to eat more, the second in black top I just bumped my cals cause I hit a plateau eating more so I went up, the black and red top is now...I will tell you no real loss between the black bra and black and red top, but huge fat difference (and I have gained some lean muscle...I eat lots of protein:-).

    I just went up to maintenance yesterday so will keep you posted.
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    You can do this!!

    It took me an entire SIX WEEKS for my body to finally trust that I will feed it a healthy amount of food! I'm done starving myself!

    Now the weight is falling off of me and it was well worth it to get to this point! In fact, I increased my calories again this week from 1700 to 1800 and lost 1.5 pounds.

    Please, please, please hang in there....this group is extremely supportive and inspiring! Stick it out...you'll be happy you did!
  • slammy1079
    slammy1079 Posts: 97
    Thanks folks! I've read enough now that I do trust it will work, but I am the most impatient person I know, so it's not easy! And, I've gotten rid of all my "fat" clothes by now so there's no going back! :)

    And, I must say, it is awfully nice to be able to order bun from the Vietnamese place when I didn't have time to pack lunch this morning and know that I'll still have some calories left to eat later.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Thanks folks! I've read enough now that I do trust it will work, but I am the most impatient person I know, so it's not easy! And, I've gotten rid of all my "fat" clothes by now so there's no going back! :)

    And, I must say, it is awfully nice to be able to order bun from the Vietnamese place when I didn't have time to pack lunch this morning and know that I'll still have some calories left to eat later.

    Oh my goodness, I love that I can eat anything I want "IN MODERATION"...just a slice of heaven I say:-)