Training Log Confusion

Hi guys,

So, been sat at my desk studying the book hard all this afternoon, and I'm really pleased I got my head down and did some solid reading - feel very enlightened. Now I'm ready to begin Stage 1, I've a question about the training log.

It allows space for 6 exercises, and breaks that down into Workout 1, 2, 3, and 4. But on the actual Stage 1 schedule itself, it says that there will be Workout 5, 6, 7 and 8. Does that mean I have to cross out the numbers and change them? Or am I missing something pretty vital?

Thanks so much,



  • ubermagee
    ubermagee Posts: 57
    Also, it gives exercise B1 and B2, then C1 and C2, both as alternating sets. Does that mean I should do A, then B1 and B2 in one workout, then A, C1, C2 in the next? Or do I do them all in one workout?

    So many questions!
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    This is from another thread:

    STAGE 1 (6 weeks if you do 3 workouts a week)

    Start with Workout A on Day 1

    Do each of the 5 exercises for Workout A, in this order:

    A (squat) - 2 sets of 15

    B1 (push up) - 1 set of 15

    B2 (seated row) - 1 set of 15

    B1 (push up) - 1 set of 15 (to make TWO sets total)

    B2 (seated row) - 1 set of 15 (to make TWO sets total)

    C1 (step up) - 1 set of 15

    C2 (prone jacknife) - 1 set of 15

    C1 (step up) - 1 set of 15 (to make TWO sets total)

    C2 (prone jacknife) - 1 set of 15 (to make TWO sets total)

    So, basically, exercises with the same letter (B1, B2 and C1, C2) get alternated

    Do the same on the next day with the exercises from Workout B
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
  • ubermagee
    ubermagee Posts: 57
    Thanks so much ladies, this is such a help!

    A x