1st week, 1.5 lbs lost!!?

kalyy Posts: 59 Member
I started doing EM2WL last Friday after being on a 'plateu' for 3 weeks, today was my weight in and I lost 700 grams (1.5 lbs). The week before I was a bit discouraged and probably ate around the same # of calories or more than this week.
I also lost 1/3 inch from my waist, 1/3 inch from each arm and thighs. Also almost an inch from my hips!
It's surprising that I lost weight because I had exams this week and no time to exercise... eating an average of 1740 calories!

Should I expect a gain next week? I'm super excited about this week lost but I know gaining weight it's common.



  • mphlab
    mphlab Posts: 187 Member
    1st weel lost 1 pound, this morning was the end of my 2nd week & I lost anpther 1.5. I too am waiting to see if I gain back at all -we just may be lucky ones! Keep it up!
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    The loss is definitely nice to see, especially in the first week. I was pretty close to the same.. It took me about 3 weeks of eating at BMR and gaining a little, to finally jump to my Cut value, and instantly I lost 4 pounds... then the last two weeks I have been up as high as 3 pounds more, but on my official WI days, I was only up a pound.
    Weight can definitely fluctuate and there is no certaintly that you wont see a gain in the next few weeks of beginning to eat more, but if you do, its apparently normal. albeit frustrating:) Keep the course and have faith things will work out in the end...