Lucia/Kiki - help!....(I swear I should start paying you )

fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
Hey Guys,

So I was just checking my last two weeks of exercise and I really do think I calculated my TDEE wrong and may be some of my troubles.

I had plugged in:

3-5 hrs of Moderate exercise (I based this off week 1 of eating more, and I did Insanity 5 days a week).

So that made my number:

TDEE - 3974
TDEE - 20% - 3156

Well anyways I averaged my last two weeks of exercise (and suffice to say wasn't thrilled) I was averaging about 3 hours ish of exercise. It was a mix of Insanity, walking, bike riding and Weight lifting.

So I was thinking that might put me at 1-3 hrs of light exercise (even though I go hard on the weights, and Insanity - with insanity I have to take a lot of breaks).

So if I plug that in, it drops my numbers to:

TDEE - 3487
TDEE - 20% - 2790

Its a pretty big jump. Was just thinking of what you too thought about it? I am really trying to get my numbers right. I am gonna start stepping up my exercise to do Insanity at least 4 days a week, and 3 days of Total Gym (on top of Insanity) which then would push me into the 3-5 hr category for sure, however this all depends on work and what not.

Anyways just wanted to pick your brain on this.


The fat guy :p


  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member

    It has been two weeks since you upped and I do believe your Moderate activity is correct.

    Are you hitting your cut value? What about your macros? Are you hitting them daily? I would hope that in eating, that you are eating "clean", didn't think we would have to stress that, but it appears that some feel as though it isn't stressed enough. I know for one thing, when you hit your macros you really can't eat too much junk. Of course, all things in moderation, goodies can fit into the mix, just can't be a large portion of the mix:-)

    Ok, again it has only been two weeks Mike, I know you read what to expect when upping cals right? How much have you gained?
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    Hey Lucia,

    I am hitting my macros. I have been mostly close to 3150 calories, with a few days below and like 1 or 2 above. I have been eating clean, only had 2 cheat meals in the last 3 weeks.

    Now I was just trying to make sure I was in the right zone. I have lost some in my measurements, but was just trying to make sure that I am at the right activity level :)

    Not trying to second guess the program, I just want to make sure I am working with the right numbers. I am gonna try and hit the 4 hour a week mark next week, and that will take out and doubt for myself.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    And its been 3 weeks :p
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    I just did Insanity for the very first time the other day and let me just say you are definitely doing moderate activity if you're able to do that 4-5 times a week!!! It was intense!!!!

    Hang in CAN do this!!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hey Lucia,

    I am hitting my macros. I have been mostly close to 3150 calories, with a few days below and like 1 or 2 above. I have been eating clean, only had 2 cheat meals in the last 3 weeks.

    Now I was just trying to make sure I was in the right zone. I have lost some in my measurements, but was just trying to make sure that I am at the right activity level :)

    Not trying to second guess the program, I just want to make sure I am working with the right numbers. I am gonna try and hit the 4 hour a week mark next week, and that will take out and doubt for myself.

    Ahh pls post your measurements at the 4wk mark....can't wait or an update Mike.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    Hey Lucia,

    I am hitting my macros. I have been mostly close to 3150 calories, with a few days below and like 1 or 2 above. I have been eating clean, only had 2 cheat meals in the last 3 weeks.

    Now I was just trying to make sure I was in the right zone. I have lost some in my measurements, but was just trying to make sure that I am at the right activity level :)

    Not trying to second guess the program, I just want to make sure I am working with the right numbers. I am gonna try and hit the 4 hour a week mark next week, and that will take out and doubt for myself.

    Ahh pls post your measurements at the 4wk mark....can't wait or an update Mike.

    Will do....I guess its definitley "moderate" exercise with my fatass jumping around like a 190lb'er lol
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member

    You're gonna do great and I think you are well on your way!!

    How's it going with the sodium??
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    And be nice to yourself, big guy!!!