Strength Training for Running

osutuba Posts: 40 Member
Hi all! I've done a couple different types of strength training - high weight with low reps, and the reverse. I think with running I want to use low weight with more reps, but I was wondering if there's anything I can do to strengthen my hips really well for running. My insanely weak hips have led to an IT band injury, and I kick my ankles when I run. I'd like to not do that... LOL


  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    Actually most of the time you need to work on your butt muscles. My mom is just coming back from an IT band injury and she did a ton of glute strengthening work with her physical therapist.

    I personally like to lift heavy weights/low reps to help me with running. The exception to that rule is right now for me, I'm 6 weeks out from a marathon and I'm down to only 1x a week weight lifting, lighter weights/higher reps. I'm just doing it to try to maintain muscle and I'm too fatigued from my high running mileage to do more. I have found that high weight/low reps in the off season has been tremendous for my running both in endurance and speed.
  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    I think getting stronger in the glute area will help.

    here is a link to Bret Contreras's blog-a.k.a. the glute guy. this article is about strong girls's favorite glute exercises, but check out the rest of the blog too for some great info.
  • osutuba
    osutuba Posts: 40 Member