What speed should you lift weights at???

TiffyChick Posts: 89 Member
I haven't worked out in years so, this is all sort of new to me again (how sad is that?!). Anyway, I see people at my gym lifting at different speeds. Some I see lifting really fast, some are lifting super slow and controlled and some are in between. I am somewhat clueless right now on what speed I should be doing. I want definition, but not crazy definition. Any suggestions? Currently I am on machines but plan to move to free weights in another week or two.

Thank you all for your help! : )


  • missprincessjenny
    missprincessjenny Posts: 104 Member
    Slow. Going fast uses gravity too much. You're not working your muscles as well. My trainer is always telling me to slow down for that reason.
  • TiffyChick
    TiffyChick Posts: 89 Member
    That was what I thought, too, but I wasn't sure - thank you! : )
  • TiffyChick
    TiffyChick Posts: 89 Member
    It's funny because I tend to see the "meatheads" doing it at the gym more than anyone else. LOL