Anyone Intermittent Fasting with NROLFW?

I'm considering this since my meals are usually high in calories - seems like the best option! Is anyone doing this? If so how are you finding it?


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i guess i am.. it's nothing i'm doing on purpose though. it seems like most days i get the most if not all of my calories in separate 4 hour sessions.

    this seems to be the most natural for me at the moment. like you said my meals are on the high end calorie wise (500-800 a meal) and heavy on the protein, so there's no way i'd be hungry 3 hours later after eating.
  • CharleneExtreme
    I'm thinking of starting tomorrow - apparently its really good for building lean muscle and burning fat. I used to only eat from 6 until 2, but was on Weight Watchers (which isn't near enough food for me) and wasn't strength training.
    Like you, my meals are usually over 500 calories and i do try fill up on protein.
    (Can't say i wouldn't be hungry later though!)

    Do you find it benefits your muscle gain?
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    I'm thinking of starting tomorrow - apparently its really good for building lean muscle and burning fat. I used to only eat from 6 until 2, but was on Weight Watchers (which isn't near enough food for me) and wasn't strength training.
    Like you, my meals are usually over 500 calories and i do try fill up on protein.
    (Can't say i wouldn't be hungry later though!)

    Do you find it benefits your muscle gain?

    i'm not trying to gain muscle AT ALL. just looking to keep the muscle i do have while i'm eating at a deficit until i lose the next 55 pounds. also since i'm eating below my maintenance and not a newbie to lifting, it's impossible for me to gain muscle, regardless of how i space my meals out

    but IF hasn't made any difference in my strength gains. i know a few people doing it with crossfit. granted crossfit is more circuit training than nrol, but those people seem to be gaining muscle
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    I do IF (although the past two weeks I've been at maintenance and I decided to spread all those calories throughout the day instead of skipping breakfast). I stop eating by about 8 pm and eat lunch around noon to 1 pm. I do it for the mere fact that I love larger meals, later in the day, and I'm not super fond of most breakfast foods. I've been eating most of my "exercise calories" back, however, so I've left little overall deficit while doing this program. So I cannot comment on if I notice losing any muscle or what not. I do NOT train fasted, however....I train at night usually after my 8 hour feeding window so I've got 150 grams of protein in me by that time and I'm ready to go into beast mode. ;)
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I do IF (although the past two weeks I've been at maintenance and I decided to spread all those calories throughout the day instead of skipping breakfast). I stop eating by about 8 pm and eat lunch around noon to 1 pm. I do it for the mere fact that I love larger meals, later in the day, and I'm not super fond of most breakfast foods. I've been eating most of my "exercise calories" back, however, so I've left little overall deficit while doing this program. So I cannot comment on if I notice losing any muscle or what not. I do NOT train fasted, however....I train at night usually after my 8 hour feeding window so I've got 150 grams of protein in me by that time and I'm ready to go into beast mode. ;)
    Almost the same except I do train fasted. It work great for my lifestyle. I can't say it helped with gaining muscle since I have no idea where my body fat is. I am also losing weight but about 1 pound a month.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i train fasted as well. i like getting my toughest workout of the day before i get my first meal in.
  • CharleneExtreme
    I do IF (although the past two weeks I've been at maintenance and I decided to spread all those calories throughout the day instead of skipping breakfast). I stop eating by about 8 pm and eat lunch around noon to 1 pm. I do it for the mere fact that I love larger meals, later in the day, and I'm not super fond of most breakfast foods. I've been eating most of my "exercise calories" back, however, so I've left little overall deficit while doing this program. So I cannot comment on if I notice losing any muscle or what not. I do NOT train fasted, however....I train at night usually after my 8 hour feeding window so I've got 150 grams of protein in me by that time and I'm ready to go into beast mode. ;)

    I prefer larger meals too. Conventional diets weren't meant for me! Always thought you were meant to train fasted - though, i did just skim through the leangains site!
    Almost the same except I do train fasted. It work great for my lifestyle. I can't say it helped with gaining muscle since I have no idea where my body fat is. I am also losing weight but about 1 pound a month.

    I'm going to stick to training fasted too since its what suits me most! Thats great that you're losing weight - its probably mostly body fat which is good.
    I've ditched the scales and now obsessively measure my body fat!
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    I can't train fasted (yet). I haven't built up the tolerance for it. I get really sick feeling...weak and shaky...and it's just not a good idea, in general, for me to workout on an empty tummy. :/
  • austelle
    austelle Posts: 108 Member
    I have been easing into IF for about 6 - 8 weeks now. First, I upped my protein and started tracking macros, then I began skipping breakfast, next I tackled carb cycling (eating higher fat on rest days and higher carb on training days), finally, I have dipped my toe into fasted training, but so far without much success. I can run fasted but lifting isn't very satisfying. I hear there is an adjustment period. I am almost done with Stage one. Got workouts 7-8 left.
  • CharleneExtreme
    I have been easing into IF for about 6 - 8 weeks now. First, I upped my protein and started tracking macros, then I began skipping breakfast, next I tackled carb cycling (eating higher fat on rest days and higher carb on training days), finally, I have dipped my toe into fasted training, but so far without much success. I can run fasted but lifting isn't very satisfying. I hear there is an adjustment period. I am almost done with Stage one. Got workouts 7-8 left.

    How do you find carb cycling? its okay for me but still trying to fit in the right amount of carbs/fats - I'm used to having more of a balance. As far as training goes, so far i can do it - though i've been known to get sick after cardio on an empty stomach - and I'm starting ChaLean Extreme - so we'll see how that goes!!
    Still only halfway through stage 1 of New Rules and no DOMS, so thought - why not do more?!
  • CharleneExtreme
    I can't train fasted (yet). I haven't built up the tolerance for it. I get really sick feeling...weak and shaky...and it's just not a good idea, in general, for me to workout on an empty tummy. :/

    That's me with cardio. It kills me.... i almost mean this literally!