Newbie :)

Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
Hi all,

I'm glad to have found this group. I used to be a runner in highschool, back in the day at age 33 and overweight by 100 pounds :cry: BUT I am doing something about it!! I've been thinking how I'd love to get back to running, and I was waiting until I got under 200 to attempt it.....but you know what?? I decided I'm just gonna do it!! I don't care. A 248 pound lady won't be pretty but whoever doesn't like it can kiss my patootey hahahaha.

Today was week 1 day 1. I downloaded the app on my phone. Today wasn't too bad, I made it through without dying :laugh: I started it on the treadmill at the gym though....mistake #1. Because face it, treadmills just plain suck. No way I can handle that 9 weeks on a treadmill. So I'm gonna run outside from now on :bigsmile: I've already got a nice scenic route picked out. Can't wait to see what the next 9 weeks brings!


  • melissa97
    melissa97 Posts: 57 Member
    What app did you use...the free one or the one you paid for? How does it work? did you like it? Hoping to start this week....hopefullyy the rain holds out for me!
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    I paid $1.99 for the official app from The only "free" ones I found were 2 week trial periods (for droids) then after you had to pay for the full 9 weeks. It works great, it times your walking and jogging periods and announces when to run and when to walk. You can run your music in the background no problem. When its transition time the trainer will break in and tell you "Okay now brisk walk...." ect. Pretty cool so far! Keeps track of your progress too.
  • Wendy595
    Wendy595 Posts: 28 Member
    I started week 1 Day 1 today too. Good luck and hope it works for you! You have an awesome attitude :-) I was outside today and ran early so that I wouldn't have to look at anyone.. But honestly after doing it, I don't think I care. If they don't like it, they can look in another direction!!

    I use the C25k Lite app. It just beeps everytime you are to switch from walking/running. It is free. But I wanted to see how I liked the C25k before I paid for the app.
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    I also discovered this app uses a GPS and Google maps, so you can plan out a route and look back at old routes you did. It's cool! Well now I'll never get lost running outside lol