NROLFW at home?

I am thinking about starting the programme, however wondered if this is possible to do from home? I have started reading the book but can't find any info on the equipment used? Does anyone else do this from home, and if so, can you tell me what equipment you have?


  • StarryEyed500
    StarryEyed500 Posts: 225 Member
    I am doing it at home. I started with a 20kg dumbbell set and bought a bar and a swiss ball. I don't have anything else yet, but I'm only on stage one. I'm just looking to increase the weights as I can lift more than I have now but don't think I'll need anything else till much later.
  • ell_jay
    ell_jay Posts: 68
    Hi, I've read alot about NROL4W and I really want to start. I love lifting but I'm currently doing Jillian Michael's Body Revolution (I'd like to start after I've finished; about July time)

    I was wondering if anybody can tell me if the book is worth the price? & if I did purchase the book, what sort of equipment would I need to buy to do the workouts at home? I currently have dumbbells, which are getting a bit too light for me now (5 lbs).

    I'm going to be buying larger weights soon anyway; cast iron barbells: are these sufficient enough, as I can buy larger weights and change them for progression?

    Any information would be appreciated! Thank you! :D
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Here's the most recent post for this same question.