Trying to get this right...

grimm1974 Posts: 337 Member
Ok, so I want to give this a fair chance for at least a couple of months. I've slowly been upping my calories to get to where I need them. It has been a difficult for me to add the food because I've never been a big eater. I've pretty much reached the weight I am now due to calorie dense junk foods and lots of sodas. By just cutting that stuff out and staying at around 1600 net calories a day, I felt like I was eating more than ever and likely was. I lost over 40lbs by just doing this and adding some cardio. However, like most, I ended up stalling.

After researching, I came across the Fat2FitRadio site. I was extremely interested in their method of eating at the TDEE of your goal weight. That seems similar, but not exactly, to what I saw people from this group describing. So, I'm looking to probably go higher than their recommendations of 2698 calories. Since I want to do this the right way, I thought I would come here for the help.

Here is what I'm working with:

Current TDEE - 3730 This is for moderately active. I work a desk job all day, but I get an hour exercise at least 3-5 times a week.
BMR - 2049

Like I said, I was originally looking at 2698 calories as a goal but it seems the issue with that would be that I would have issues netting my BMR with the amount I exercise I generally do. So obviously that is going to be too low of a goal. However, it is very difficult to just suddenly jump up to such a high caloric intake in a short amount of time so I am working up to it. So, I'm going for the TDEE -20% goal but I believe I will fall short of that in the beginning. I have begin netting above my BMR the past few days which is a step in the right direction.

So, now, I believe I am going to shoot for a 2984 daily calorie goal. Does that sound reasonable enough?

I also have a questions regarding rest days. Do you generally aim for a lower calorie day on your rest days? If I still do some light cardio, is it still technically a rest day? I tend to get too antsy if I try to do no exercise at all (this coming from a coach potato for the previous 20 years).

I am still working on getting my exercise routine changed. Originally, I was doing all cardio. I was walking at about 3.5mph for 2-4 miles a day (usually 5-6 days a week). I've recently began putting in strength training after doing some research on the matter. I do not have access to a gym currently, so I am using what I have on hand. I have a 40lb dumb bell set, some resistance bands, a heavy bag (at work), 4 kids, and a 267 lb body at my disposal currently. My daughter thinks it is hilarious when I do 3 year old curls. I also am using the Wii: The Biggest Loser Challenge strength training exercises. Many of those are kicking my rear. So this is sort of what I'm looking at for a work out program:

Monday - Cardio. Walking the dog for 3.1 miles at about 3.5 mph. Keeps me in Zone 3.

Tuesday - Strength. Dumb bell/body-weight workout

Wednesday - Cardio. I call this my 45 minutes of hell lunch break. I push my self heavily on a combination of the treadmill, elliptical, stationary bike, and/or heavy bag at work. Ironically, I do this because it is my church day, so I can't do it at home.

Thursday - Strength. Strength training on the Wii: The Biggest Loser Challenge. Bob and Jillian kick my but for the next 40+ minutes.

Friday - Cardio. Usually this is another workout during my lunch hour. It is not usually very intense. Some walking on the treadmill just to burn some calories. It's date night with the wife, so not much exercise after work.

Saturday - Mixed. I usually start with an early walk with the dog. It is at least 3.1 miles if not more. I am going to start throwing Yoga in the mix for strength and flexibility.

Sunday - Semi-rest day. Probably a little relaxing in the pool (too small for actual swimming). I walk the dog at a slower pace (probably in the 3mph range) for about 2-3 miles.

Does that exercise routine seem fairly reasonable? I'd really like to get to the gym, but right now it just isn't in the cards. I plan to get the family a membership to the local community center soon, but that will take a few months.

Other than I may need to adjust my TDEE, is there anything glaringly wrong with my planning? In case you think my calculations is wrong, here are my current stats:

Height: 72.5 inches
Weight: 267.4lbs
Body Fat: 35.9% (military formula)
Age: 37


  • baxgilter
    baxgilter Posts: 246 Member
    Just a couple things that might be helpful. Im sure someone with more knowledge will chime in if/when they get a chance. The reason they recommend the 15% cut is to allow some wiggle room if you stall. This would put you at 3160 a day assume your TDEE is correct. You eat that amount everyday, even on rest days. Should your excercise burn more then 1111 calories then you need to eat that extra amount. For example you burn 1500 in a workout. You need to eat 389 extra calories on top of your 3160, this is so you net above your BMR. NEVER ever eat below your BMR.

    Hope that is somewhat helpful

    - JoAnna
  • grimm1974
    grimm1974 Posts: 337 Member
    Yeah, I do understand never netting below my BMR. I also understand the TDEE-%15 idea, but I'm really having to work up to it. It is really difficult to change mindsets from where I was at. I am stocked up with lower fat and lower calorie items. Now I'm sort of going the other direction. That is really what makes it hard to reach those calorie goals. However, I adm doing a better job at it. My one big issue right now is trying to keep my sodium levels in check as I consume more food.

  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    You are right about upping your cals and you have to shift from the low cal/fat stuff to get there. The good fats and more calorie dense foods (peanut butter, any nut butters, butter, coconut oil, olive oil avocado etc.)

    Strength training is key and keeping some cardio in the mix too, but you should allow yourself some rest as well. Try and shoot for 3 days good strength training and two days cardio..the other two enjoy fun with your family:-)