Let's see if I got this right.

mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
I've introduced myself and I think I've got my numbers right but here's my plan (please add thoughts/comments/etc as I want to make sure I'm going at this correct)

5'8 1/2 156.8 (this is up 5.6 since the 2 weeks that I've upped calories)

Calorie Intake Then: 1540 Calorie Intake Last 2 weeks: 1730 40/30/30 ratio

Program: New Rules of Lifting for Women Stage 1 started 4/21/12

According to the scooby calculator:
BMR: 1458
TDEE: 2259
Daily Intake Based on 15%cut: 1920

I bumped up to 1730 with the thought to increase up to the 15% cut in 2 week increments meaning I"d bump up this week again to the 1920. Which is scary, and the reason I wanted to double check with you lovely experts to make sure my plan was correct.

I haven't been using my HRM for NROL but I plan to start tomorrow to make sure I stay above BMR. But even at 1730 I'd have to burn way beyond a typical strength burn to need to eat back exercise calories to get to BMR. That number should be fine.

Now I've "gained" 5.6lbs in 2 weeks. I'm not totally freaking because I've been mentally prepping myself for that step in this process. But do these numbers look fine?

I have a couple more weeks in Stage 1. NROL lifting states (if I recall correctly) to stay with 1 intake for the entire stage and then reassess. If I'm still 'up' weight after Stage 1, is the advise to back down some or go up some? Or hold even since it will only be about 5 weeks of upped calories.


  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    Did you take your measurements when you started? Id toss the scale out and measure yourself bi-weekly.

    For me I started at 292 ish 4 weeks ago. I hit a low of 290.6 and a high of 298. Today I as 292.

    However I have lost an inch off my next, 1.5 inches off my stomach and an inch of my hips.

    I take neck, stomach, chest, hips, thigh, calf and bicept measurements.

    There are many success stories of people dropping many pant/dress sizes however there relative weight staying close to the same.

    Remember muscle weights way more than fat and burns more calories too!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I took measurements and am planning to have DH check them to make sure they are not increasing. I hadn't considered bi-weekly measurements as I usually only do monthly. But I'll keep that in mind. I'm not horribly worried about the scale, as I know there's an increase. Just making sure I'm doing this the educated way!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hi there, ok, you should really go up to your cut value of 1920 and get all the adjusting out of the way. You will eat that value every single day and with the lifts, you shouldn't have to eat anything back it is already included in your cut val.

    I will say, that when you lift and go progressively heavier, you may not lose as much as you think you want to(bec you are gaining lean muscle mass and burning off fat which takes up more space)...you are a little taller than me and we are about the same weight...the lifting will transform and tone you, you probably want to burn off the fat and keep the nice lean muscle mass, which means the scale for you may not go down much more, BUT, your clothes will and the inches too. Trust me...take some measurements and before and after pics. I have stopped weighing because I am a weight that I would have to wear 8/10's and the 8's were snugg...now I am fitting some of my 4's and all my 6's which I had to be 140-145(with the little muscle I had back then)...now I am 156ish after last weigh in (holding water after a sodium high weekend). I just went up to maintenance to add more cals to build more muscle which will in turn burn the fat, so I haven't even had the urge to get on the scale cause I know it is up, but who cares my clothes are still fitting great:-)

    Also don't weigh or take measurements w/i two days of your lifts, TOM, high sodium, or high cardio day....all of those affect your results.

    Please give it your all because I know that you will love the outcome...eat, lift, and you will tone and be a lean machine..:flowerforyou:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Might as well go in, right? :tongue:

    I up'd my intake to 1920. That felt liberating and dirty all at the same time. lol :laugh:

    I've spent the better part of my lunch reading and re-reading blog posts, stickies, and forum responses. I feel pretty confident that I can go at this 100%. And you are right...there's no point in dilldallying around. If I'm going to try this method, I might as well go at it.

    I'm not worried about the # on the scale. Yes, I have an 'ideal' weight but body composition is much more important to me. Do you use the scale to assess where you are at with your calorie range at all though? I'm trying to remember exactly where I read it but I believe it was on Kiki's blog- about using the scale merely to assess when you've hit your calorie range that you are striving form. Maybe she was discussing maintenance though...I'll double back and reread that.

    I'll definitely keep in mind your points about measuring when tos and when to avoids. Typically I just go at it whenever DH is available, but he's in full support of my methods so I'm sure he'll adjust accordingly! THANKS SO MUCH!
  • Seminolegirl97
    Seminolegirl97 Posts: 307 Member
    @ANewLucia I have gone to several different websites and they have all given me different BMR's and TDEE's. They are off by like 300+ calories or more.

    On www.scoobyworkshop.com calculator it is giving me:
    BMR 1480
    TDEE 2294
    Goal Calories 1950 (this is moderate exercise weekly)

    Another site (health calc) put me at
    BMR 1894
    TDEE 2617
    TDEE -15% 2224

    there is a large difference in the two.

    So I eat 1950 but never less than 1480? Amd 1950 is including workout calories so on workout days aim for 1950?

    Sorry to ask again, I know everyone asks.... Thanks for your help.
  • lkcostello
    lkcostello Posts: 49 Member
    I up'd my intake to 1920. That felt liberating and dirty all at the same time. lol

    I think that's got to be the quote of the day. :laugh:
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    @ANewLucia I have gone to several different websites and they have all given me different BMR's and TDEE's. They are off by like 300+ calories or more.

    On www.scoobyworkshop.com calculator it is giving me:
    BMR 1480
    TDEE 2294
    Goal Calories 1950 (this is moderate exercise weekly)

    Another site (health calc) put me at
    BMR 1894
    TDEE 2617
    TDEE -15% 2224

    there is a large difference in the two.

    So I eat 1950 but never less than 1480? Amd 1950 is including workout calories so on workout days aim for 1950?

    Sorry to ask again, I know everyone asks.... Thanks for your help.

    Eat 1950 every single day...and on workout days you will make sure to net BMR.
  • Seminolegirl97
    Seminolegirl97 Posts: 307 Member
    @ANewLucia I have gone to several different websites and they have all given me different BMR's and TDEE's. They are off by like 300+ calories or more.

    On www.scoobyworkshop.com calculator it is giving me:
    BMR 1480
    TDEE 2294
    Goal Calories 1950 (this is moderate exercise weekly)

    Another site (health calc) put me at
    BMR 1894
    TDEE 2617
    TDEE -15% 2224

    there is a large difference in the two.

    So I eat 1950 but never less than 1480? Amd 1950 is including workout calories so on workout days aim for 1950?

    Sorry to ask again, I know everyone asks.... Thanks for your help.

    Eat 1950 every single day...and on workout days you will make sure to net BMR.

    I totally get it!!! Thank you Thank you Thank you!
  • divediva2
    divediva2 Posts: 297 Member
    Did you take your measurements when you started? Id toss the scale out and measure yourself bi-weekly.

    For me I started at 292 ish 4 weeks ago. I hit a low of 290.6 and a high of 298. Today I as 292.

    However I have lost an inch off my next, 1.5 inches off my stomach and an inch of my hips.

    I take neck, stomach, chest, hips, thigh, calf and bicept measurements.

    There are many success stories of people dropping many pant/dress sizes however there relative weight staying close to the same.

    Remember muscle weights way more than fat and burns more calories too!
  • divediva2
    divediva2 Posts: 297 Member
    Everything in this is great except part of the last statement. I always correct it when I see and I am not being picky but muscle does not weight more than fat. A pound of muscle will weigh the same as a pound of fat but the difference is how much space it takes up! I think that is what you were trying to say. A pound is a pound, it does not matter what it is. The volume will be different, nails will be smaller than feathers.