venting about my may binges

jessicaaa456 Posts: 70 Member
i didnt binge in the whole of april. now in the last 5 days i've gone binge, restrict (not hungry), binge, eaten well (met calorie goals) and today BINGE again. its on stuff like toast and cereal, i've gone through a 500g box of granola in my 3 binges. that's like 2000+ calories.
It all started again because i'm starting to feel depressed again. there's a lot of stress on me at the moment. also, i was having dreams of binging - i'd wake up thinking i'd eaten the whole kitchen or been to the shop and would feel guilty.
now i just feel like a failure again. i've lost 7kg this year and i'm feeling thinner. i just dont want this to ruin all my efforts again. i'm restless and i can concentrate on anything anymore besides guilt and food

i know this is just venting. just had to get it out there.


  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    venting can be very helpful . i feel like sometimes i just helps me get those thoughts out there. it is so hard to go even a week (for me) without overeating or binging. i have yet to figure out the cause but i do know that restricting typically makes it worse. so i try to get back on track the very next day. sometimes that just doesn't happen, but it's a goal.
  • liveyourlifex
    liveyourlifex Posts: 149 Member
    i need to vent too... I've been constantly binge eating for about 8 months now and the weigh gain is definitely showing. i no longer have a flat stomach, a thigh gap, a slim face, and nice arms... I'm just rounder and flabbier... binge eating is causing me to become lazier and more disgusting. i binge even when my stomach hurts and i hate it. i become lethargic and all i want to do is sleep, but i won't lay down right after I've eaten. after the 14th (which is the day for my AP Physics exam), I'm gonna try to go on a 3 day juice fast where i drink Naked Juices, tea, water, and gum. i really hope this works. I've gained so much weight and i hate it. all my clothes don't fit on me anymore and i hate wearing jeans... so i always wear leggings... and since i need to cover my big stomach, i wear loose shirts. i look so ugly and need to get back in shape. I'm not obese but i know that if i keep bingeing, ill definitely be overweight soon...
    now that I've written this, i hope ill actually do my juice fast!
  • misspiglet71
    I've just had my first binge in months, was great at the time but now I'm starting to feel sick the guilt is kicking in. It's good to have somewhere to vent .I just wish I knew why I do it .
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    It sucks. It's hard for me to even get more than a few binge-free days strung together....I know why I do it and it's still hard. It's good to vent, hopefully that will help. I'm glad you all shared!
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    I sympathise, I have been struggling with the same issue, but oddly it didn't appear until I got to a lower weight. Sometimes I wonder if it is a response to trying to go below the body's natural set point, but maybe not. With me, I think it is also an emotional issue. If I feel happy, I binge, if I am bored, I binge, if I am stressed, I binge even though I know fully that I should be seeking to turn to alternative forms of comfort, like a good book, a nice walk, a hot bath, an engaging game. It just doesn't seem to kick into my brain in the moment where the binge comes on. Sometimes, I even pre plan a binge and buy in the foods I will binge on, knowing the end result, which makes it even worse.

    Cereal I do not keep in my home, for the very reason I could easily down 3 large bowls of it in a row. It is the sugar. I am going to attempt giving up sugar for 3-5 days simply to try and clear my system and hopefully break the cycle. Binge eating, especially on sugary or wheat based foods can be the result of a food intolerance, oddly, hence my plan to have a period without sugar and wheat to see if it diminishes the insane cravings. I am bulimic though, and tend to purge after I binge, I cannot imagine how much more terrible it must feel to sit there with that overfull, stuffed feeling.

    Feel free to add me for support and someone who knows the experience of binge eating and the sense of powerlessness it can bestow on you.