Yet another confirmation of calories...

I am sure you are all thrilled about having yet another post asking you to confirm calorie goals, but I am have the mind set of "what's the point of doing it if you aren't going to do it right?" Just want to check my numbers and set myself up for success.
The problem with me is...I obsess over things. So I am hoping this will help me get it figured out once and for all!!

Age- 31
Height- 5'6"
Weight- 124
BF%- 21.9

Here are my numbers:


BMR- 1352
CUT- 1781
TDEE- 2096


Non-Workout Days- 1920
Workout Days- 2160


BMR- 1322
Moderately Active- 2080

I am starting NROL4W tonight, so I want to make sure I am eating enough calories. My goal is to build muscle and be healthy, not necessarily lose weight.

As you can see, there is quite a range of numbers indicating what I should be eating on a daily basis. Which number would you go with?? I am tempted to go for around 1800 and just eat that daily for now whether I exercise or not. Once I start lifting I will re-assess based on how I am feeling. I'll up it if I am hungry/weak, but I don't think I should need to lower it. Thoughts??

Thanks...couldn't do it without all the great advice I have read on MFP!!


  • mturgeon05
    mturgeon05 Posts: 204
    Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    I think that the question that needs to be asked is are you trying to lose weight? If not then I would eat more than your 15% cut number. I weight 128lbs and 5'2 and eat my TDEE -5% just because I am not trying to lose pounds just gain muscle and lose fat. With that being said I would eat Closer to 2000 everyday which is what I eat this way your body has enough fuel to really build the muscle you are looking for. You are probably at a great weight just need to firm everything up with lifting.
  • mturgeon05
    mturgeon05 Posts: 204
    I think that the question that needs to be asked is are you trying to lose weight? If not then I would eat more than your 15% cut number. I weight 128lbs and 5'2 and eat my TDEE -5% just because I am not trying to lose pounds just gain muscle and lose fat. With that being said I would eat Closer to 2000 everyday which is what I eat this way your body has enough fuel to really build the muscle you are looking for. You are probably at a great weight just need to firm everything up with lifting.

    Thanks for the response! I am not trying to lose weight, just build muscle (not trying to gain any either, though :))
  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    Then I would take your TDEE and just subtract maybe 5%- 7% like I said I am 5'2, 128lbs and eat between 1900 and 2000 calories a day and have been doing this for 7 weeks and haven't gained just built muscle and lost a lot of inches (which mean fat is disappearing).
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    If you are wanting to burn off fat and stay the same weight you sre can eat your TDEE. As you build muscle by eating more cals and protein, the lean musce mass will burn off the fat.