Day1 EMWL 7 May

Thanks to Lucia, Monday was my first day on this program trying to eat 1750 cal AND keep the macros somewhat in check! I was always over in carbs previously. I was within 20 under my total calories and none of the macros were over! WOOT! What I noticed yesterday:

1. I had more energy and had to make myself go to bed on time.
2. I was totally stuffed when I went to bed, but when I closed my eyes, I slept like a rock! Had to get up a couple of times during the night, but went right back to sleep until the alarm this morning! Totally different!
3. I am usually cold all the time. This morning I am sitting here wondering if the A/C is going to kick on sometime soon. Weird.
4. I have not had the bloating feeling that some have mentioned, but maybe that is yet to come.
5. Worked hard at the gym this morning and did not feel like I was going to have to quit.

YAY! Sounds like this might be the thing I have been searching for a long time. Maybe my ticker will finally take a dip soon. I am however more concerned with the clothes getting smaller. :)

Have a good day everyone and thanks again LUCIA!!!:flowerforyou:


  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Absolutely awesome!:happy:
  • donna9089
    donna9089 Posts: 87
    **UPDATE** Today is Day 3 Week 3 EM2WL...My body weight (183.4) is within +/_ .2 of beginning weight however, my BMR according to the Scooby calculator was too low when I had it actually checked so 10 days of this time I was probably eating less than BMR. I have lost 1/2" around my neck, 1/2" in my chest, 2" on my hips, and waist remains the same. My cut is now 1885 which I reach or nearly reach each day with little trouble. No more stuffing my face to eat enough, I actually get hungry! I still bloat from time to time depending on what I eat and I am very susceptible to carb and sodium water retention.

    I have substantially more energy and sleep better than before I started this program. My mental acuity has also improved. I was forgetting the simplest things before even during conversation....!

    Two NSVs at the gym today! WOOT! First...I jumped on the machine to do delt flys this morning with 75# and a young man whom I have only seen in there one other time told me he was impressed because that was all he could do and was surprised when he looked at the machine after I got on it and it was still in the same weight he put it on when he used it earlier. Second....I did 90# incline bench today, 3 reps! This was after I had already done 8 reps at 70, 80 and 80. I haven't done that since before rotator cuff repair in 2008!


    There is hope for all of us out there. Everybody keep pushing on. I have not lost weight but as I mentioned when I first started the ME2WL journey....I could care less if I can get back into my size 6 pants (in a size 10 now and am 5'3").