lots of Inches and weight up...5 weeks in...Help!!

jyska Posts: 728 Member
Ok, so I know I'm in for the long haul.-my metabolism is messed up...I've been to nutritionists, drs, personal trainers, you name it and NO ONE can help me get my weight down (I don't have a thyroid problem or any medical issues they can find either and I'm very determined and persistent so it's not failure to follow through). So, I found this group and figured it's the one thing no one has tried, it must be what's wrong! I will tell you some NSV's to start so that you have a full picture. I no longer suffer from depression, insomnia, or constant tiredness. Yah!!

However, here's my trend over 5 weeks of eating more.
Start weight: 161
Weight now: 164.2
Max Weight since EM: 165.8

Not so bad right? I mean I'm only 5 weeks in...this is to be expected. However, it's not trending down according to 'the Hacker's Diet' Graph...it's trending UP! :cry:

Inches: (here's where I'm starting to freak out.

April 23 - May 8
Neck: 13 3/4 to 13 1/2 (1/4 loss)
Right Bicep: 28 to 29 (1 gain)
Right Forearm: 10 to 10 1/4 (1/4 gain)
Over Bust: 36 to 38 (2 gain)
Under Bust: 36 to 36 1/2 (1/2 gain)
Bust: 41 to 41 (no change)
Waist: 36 to 36 1/2 (1/2 gain)
Hips: 102 to 104 (2 gain)
Right Wrist: 6 to 6 (no change)
Right Thigh: 60 to 59 (1 loss)
Right Calf: 15 1/2 to 15 3/4 (1/4 gain)

That's a 4 1/4 inch total GAIN once you subtract out the small loss in the thigh and neck. You see why I'm freaking out??!!!

Here's my stats. I've run these numbers so MANY times, I don't know what I've done wrong.

Age 38
Height 5'5"
Weight (current) 164.2

Here's my weekly exercise:
Desk job Mon - Fri
P90X 6 days/week (this is 3 strength, 3 cardio workouts of 1 hr each
Walk the dog 7 days a week for an hour each at a pace of 3.5 m/hr
One 'rest' day.

When I'm at home in the evenings, it alternates between constant cleaning/cooking etc for about 3 hours or I just chill after supper with my family.

According to the Scooby's Workshop calculator (http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/) this is my info:
TDEE: 2590
BMR: 1501
TDEE - 15%: 2202

I currently tend to average about 1600 NET calories over the course of a week and my protein is decent (if not perfect). I get about 8 glasses of water a day, plus other drinks (I just forget to log them...sorry) My sodium is average (although I may have a bad day once in a while if we eat out or something - which is rare) I have not had a jump in energy, just a shift from exhaustion. I am 4 days past my TOM. (in case you are wondering if it's causing any issues)

I'm really thinking I need to go DOWN in calories....but I'm scared I'll ruin any progress I might be making with my metabolism, but at this point I think I'm going in the wrong direction!

Please help??? My diary is open.


  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Ok, would you please wait 3 more days and take your measurements again. I say this because for me TOM water weight just doesn't disappear that quick, it is more like a week before I am back to "normal".

    Also, I feel like you may not be eating enough, you literally do 2 hours of exercise everyday except one and on that day you still walk. You never rest. You body is constantly holding water because it is constantly trying to repair. You don't have a down day.

    Based on your exercise, I really wouldn't go down at all in calories. Please wait 3 days, and can you take two days off from exercise to weigh and do the measurements....yes, nothing at all for two days for a true measurement and weigh-in eating the cut val ofcourse.
  • witrixie2011
    witrixie2011 Posts: 224
    After I read your post I thought exactly the same thing about your activity level. Because if you're only "moderate" then I'm definitely not doing enough. :tongue:

    Maybe you need to bump up to the next level and see what happens? You seem crazy active to me. (Which is a good thing!!)
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    Yeah, I can wait three days. I've been waiting years to lose some weight...three days I can do. :tongue: I can skip P90X, throw the dog on the treadmill so she gets her walk and I guess the house can fall apart for a few days...LOL

    Although, I do have to plant my garden in the next two days.....it's small and I already hauled the six 75lb bales of peat moss yesterday and got those mixed in so that's done haha...it shouldn't be a problem for me to do a little gardening for about 2 hrs will it?
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    After I read your post I thought exactly the same thing about your activity level. Because if you're only "moderate" then I'm definitely not doing enough. :tongue:

    Maybe you need to bump up to the next level and see what happens? You seem crazy active to me. (Which is a good thing!!)

    I'm starting to think it'd be easier to figure all this out if I was totally sedentary!!! But unfortunately, I don't know how to be sedentary! We went to Mexico a few years back and I could only sit on the beach for about 1/2 hr before I was dying to get just get up and DO SOMETHING!! LOL, maybe I'll get better at being sedentary as I get older. :laugh:
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Yeah, I can wait three days. I've been waiting years to lose some weight...three days I can do. :tongue: I can skip P90X, throw the dog on the treadmill so she gets her walk and I guess the house can fall apart for a few days...LOL

    Although, I do have to plant my garden in the next two days.....it's small and I already hauled the six 75lb bales of peat moss yesterday and got those mixed in so that's done haha...it shouldn't be a problem for me to do a little gardening for about 2 hrs will it?

    LOL, whew, you don't know how to relax...wow, your activity level is too low, but I don't want you to fall over telling you to bump up to the next, but man, you do a lot...WAY MORE THAN ME! I am at moderate...I lift 3 days and zumba once (I try to get in a HIIT but usually doesn't happen).

    If you have to garden, that is fine, keep it light, drink plenty of water the entire time and eat your cut cals.
  • rebekahgo
    rebekahgo Posts: 235 Member
    dude, i think they are right...the only thing that needs to go down at this point is your butt in a big comfy chair in front of the tv or with a nice book.

    our stats are actually kind of similar. i'm 4 weeks in, 36 yo, 5'5" and our starting weights are only 8.5 pounds apart. BUT, i am not nearly so active as you, and my net is a good bit above yours. my cut value is 1900 and with my eating to tdee after lift days, i might actually be netting above that cut value. and, it just so happened that when i started this process, i ran into a period of about 2 weeks where i was able to exercise very little, and that may have actually worked out very well for me because my results seem to indicate that i hit my sweet spot as far as cals and exercise and converting flabby fat to muscle are concerned.

    i think you need to cut down your activity. and then maybe even up your cals too....but one step at a time for now. netting 1600 per day is only 100 above your BMR. something's gotta give because you sure aren't laying around in a coma or sleeping all day...you are active and burning burning burning a whole lot more than just what you are registering as exercise.

    your NSVs really show that this is the right path for you, imo. it's put the screws to depression and insomnia and lethargy. you just need to find the right balance for you to reach your other goals.
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    Yeah, I can wait three days. I've been waiting years to lose some weight...three days I can do. :tongue: I can skip P90X, throw the dog on the treadmill so she gets her walk and I guess the house can fall apart for a few days...LOL

    Although, I do have to plant my garden in the next two days.....it's small and I already hauled the six 75lb bales of peat moss yesterday and got those mixed in so that's done haha...it shouldn't be a problem for me to do a little gardening for about 2 hrs will it?

    LOL, whew, you don't know how to relax...wow, your activity level is too low, but I don't want you to fall over telling you to bump up to the next, but man, you do a lot...WAY MORE THAN ME! I am at moderate...I lift 3 days and zumba once (I try to get in a HIIT but usually doesn't happen).

    If you have to garden, that is fine, keep it light, drink plenty of water the entire time and eat your cut cals.

    Ok, I will do my best not to break a sweat! haha

    If I need to go up in calories, it'll be hard physically and emotionally (I've barely gotten used to eating what I am!) but I want to do this RIGHT. So, I am prepared to take whatever steps I need to get me moving in the right direction. and to work through whatever fears, setbacks and tears that may come. I honestly feel like this is my last hope, so I'm going to give it all I have. It's all or nothing right?

    Just think, if you and Kiki can help me to lose weight, you'll have accomplished something that others have deemed impossible! :flowerforyou:
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    dude, i think they are right...the only thing that needs to go down at this point is your butt in a big comfy chair in front of the tv or with a nice book.

    oh, my gosh I laughed so hard at this I started crying...stress relief tears I think!! :laugh:

    your NSVs really show that this is the right path for you, imo. it's put the screws to depression and insomnia and lethargy. you just need to find the right balance for you to reach your other goals.

    These NSV's are definitely the things that I cling to that I must be doing something right. Thank you for confirming that. :happy:
  • rebekahgo
    rebekahgo Posts: 235 Member
    i feel like i need to add this though....if decreasing your activity leads to a return of depression or effects your mood or brings the insomnia back, maybe you need to look at the eating more solution first. OR a combo of eating more and decreasing the intensity of your activity. you know yourself best, and you seem attuned to your needs well enough to tailor this lifestyle to your own needs. this isn't an exact science and not everyone fits into the same mold.
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    i feel like i need to add this though....if decreasing your activity leads to a return of depression or effects your mood or brings the insomnia back, maybe you need to look at the eating more solution first. OR a combo of eating more and decreasing the intensity of your activity. you know yourself best, and you seem attuned to your needs well enough to tailor this lifestyle to your own needs. this isn't an exact science and not everyone fits into the same mold.

    Absolutely - I agree! I have no desire to end up back in that state! It's awful!
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    Ok, how does THIS happen....now I'm really confused!!

    I just plugged my numbers in to the fat to fit Fat 2 Fit Radio Covert Bailey Body Fat Calculator. If you recall from the original post, my weight is up and my inches are up a LOT. But, apparently my body fat is down???????? WHAT? I don't understand!

    April Body fat was 27.5% and May's Body Fat is 26.5%

    How do I gain weight AND inches and lose BF????? (oh, and I made sure to put all inches into the calculator since I sometimes tend to measure in inches or cm for some reason)
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    Ok, how does THIS happen....now I'm really confused!!

    I just plugged my numbers in to the fat to fit Fat 2 Fit Radio Covert Bailey Body Fat Calculator. If you recall from the original post, my weight is up and my inches are up a LOT. But, apparently my body fat is down???????? WHAT? I don't understand!

    April Body fat was 27.5% and May's Body Fat is 26.5%

    How do I gain weight AND inches and lose BF????? (oh, and I made sure to put all inches into the calculator since I sometimes tend to measure in inches or cm for some reason)

    Lean muscle mass and/or water weight :)
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    Ok, how does THIS happen....now I'm really confused!!

    I just plugged my numbers in to the fat to fit Fat 2 Fit Radio Covert Bailey Body Fat Calculator. If you recall from the original post, my weight is up and my inches are up a LOT. But, apparently my body fat is down???????? WHAT? I don't understand!

    April Body fat was 27.5% and May's Body Fat is 26.5%

    How do I gain weight AND inches and lose BF????? (oh, and I made sure to put all inches into the calculator since I sometimes tend to measure in inches or cm for some reason)

    Lean muscle mass and/or water weight :)

    but if I'm trading muscle for fat, wouldn't the inches go down? and if water is causing the inches to stay up, wouldn't that affect the calculator somehow? I thought for the BF % to go down, either weight or inches would have to decrease, but for both to go up, it confuses me....
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    At least for me, if my weight AND measurements go up, its usually attributed to water weight (but I dont have the issue of the TOM) I think it was a weekend ago, I had a bad weekend where I at massive amounts of sodium, I was like 5 or 6 lbs heavier and my measurements were up across the board. Waited until Friday to measure again, I was down on weight and measurements .
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    At least for me, if my weight AND measurements go up, its usually attributed to water weight (but I dont have the issue of the TOM) I think it was a weekend ago, I had a bad weekend where I at massive amounts of sodium, I was like 5 or 6 lbs heavier and my measurements were up across the board. Waited until Friday to measure again, I was down on weight and measurements .

    Yeah, Lucia has me being lazy for 2 days, eating my cut and then remeasuring. So hopefully I will see the numbers go down. I just redid the BF% because I realized I forgot to change the weight between months, but it still has me down 0.5% BF which still puts me in a state of slight shock! :noway:

    If I'm actually still losing BF, then I guess it's shifting but I can't quite picture in my head what on earth my body is doing...it just doesn't compute in my head for some reason. :ohwell:
  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    Did you use the same calculator as you did the last time? You lost a little bit off of some areas so maybe it is taking those areas into consideration?
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    Did you use the same calculator as you did the last time? You lost a little bit off of some areas so maybe it is taking those areas into consideration?

    yep, ran the numbers through the same calculator. Even did both calculations today with the same calculator just to make sure I didn't screw something up last time or something. I think the only two measurements that didn't go up that the calculator used was thigh (which is down 1 inch) and wrist (no change). Does an inch in the thigh counteract everything else that much?
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    I think someone like yourself would really benefit from a BodyMedia Fit, to see what you are really burning, you are very active :)
  • roro73
    roro73 Posts: 153 Member
    I think someone like yourself would really benefit from a BodyMedia Fit, to see what you are really burning, you are very active :)

    I completely agree. The BMF is really eye opening. I have a desk job but stairs at work which I have to use throughout the day. Most online calculators I use give me a TDEE of approx 2000 but I've consistently worn my BMF for a little over a week and average 2500 a day (and I hate to admit it, haven't worked out once during that time). You are probably in the 3000's and don't even realize it. You can buy one at Costco.com even if you aren't a member and it comes with the 12 month subscription.
  • Kooopons
    Kooopons Posts: 167 Member
    My stats are very similar to yours! I'm 38, 5'5", starting weight was 157, and I started eating more on April 11. I was doing a VLC diet since Jan and lost a great deal but it was lean mass. I was looking thinner but not looking good and I knew I couldn't keep at it with that few calories a day. My weight loss was slowing and that's when I found this group. I started eating more on about April 11- just under 4 weeks.

    My weight has fluctuated from 155 to 160. I pretty much have lost nothing on the scale (kind of frustrating) but I have lost in inches. Off the top of my head I've lost 3in from my waist, 1/2in from hips (FINALLY), 1in from bust, 1/2 in from my calf- that's in under 4 weeks. Now my big difference is that I'm WAY WAY WAY less active than you. I'm doing NROLFW and that's it. I lift 3 days a week. I was thinking of throwing in one day of something else, but haven't yet. I'm fairly active chasing after young kids and walking and a lot of up/down all day, but no dedicated routine other than weights.

    I eat 1800 a day (20% cut from mod active), some days I eat up to 2000. I rarely go lower than that. Since I'm only weight lifting I don't have big burns to drop below my bmr (1457).

    So I agree, you aren't eating enough. I mean we are practically identical except I eat more than you and do less!