NROLFW and weight loss?

lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
This might seem like a silly question, but I want to lose around 15lbs. I was thinking of doing NROL 2-3 days a week and then some cardio, swmming, biking or running 2 days or so a week. With a balances protein high diet does this sound like a good plan? I am not sure I can just follow the program to a T, I love cardio too much!


  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Here's my question: why do you *love* cardio??

    Answers could be: 1) I get a "runner's high", which feels good, 2) I do cardio in a group with my friends, which feels good, 3) I get to listen to funky music while I work-out, which feels good, etc., etc.

    You only *love* cardio because it "makes you feel good".

    Which is fine. Go for it!!

    But, if what you want to do is "change your body shape" - then you need to reduce your cardio, or eliminate it altogether, while you are moving through a heavy-lifting program.

    Here's my second question: do you really want to lose 15 lbs - or do you really want to lose 15 inches??

    For me, I realized that all the cardio in the world, and all the weight loss in the world, wasn't going to get ME what I wanted, which was a different SHAPE. Weight loss would just make me even MORE "skinny FAT" than I was.

    I wanted body fat loss. Period. I wanted my hips to shrink and my waist to shrink. Period. I wanted muscle tone to show through my skin. Period. NONE OF THESE THINGS COME FROM LOST WEIGHT. ALL OF THESE THINGS COME FROM LOST INCHES.

    Throw away the scale. Lift heavy as often as your body will allow (knowing that proper rest/recovery is KEY to a strength-training program). And try and get your "feel good" kicks from SOMEWHERE ELSE, besides cardio, for a *little* while.

    You can do it. I did!!!
  • kristi321
    kristi321 Posts: 71 Member
    ^^ THIS! My scale broke this morning and I will not be replacing it. A tape measure and my body fat analyzer is all I need. I know it is hard to transition from the scale but it's important. My last 20lbs of fat will be transformed into a lean, strong and sexy body The scale will not be my measurement tool any longer.

    You can do it!!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    This is a hard concept, I guess I just love biking with my fiance, or I love going for a swim. But focusing on heavy lifting will really transform my body. Yes I want to be smaller, that is the main thing. I want to lose inches more than weight. I will take the advice of not doing as much cardio and focus on the heavy lifting. I started NROLFW yesterday and I have to say I love it! My muscles are really feeling it today!
  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    If your cardio on off days is not too hard- easy walk, easy run, easy bike, swim, that that should be fine. It will be beneficial for your muscle soreness to do something easy on non lifting days, but also don't do too much as it will hinder lifting progress.
    Yes, it's hard to see not scale loss and keep going, but once you see the inches going down you will want to throw the scale. I gain 5 lbs. while doing NROLFW and lost a pant size, so don't thrust the scale so much. It's super nice to see shape on your arms, nice round behind and firm thighs! Not to mention you will feel awesome lifting heavy things as well.
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    I'm still doing cardio on non-lifting days to build endurance & heart health (reduce cholesterol, specifically), and because I have a LOT of fat to melt.

    Could cutting back on the cardio actually speed up that fat loss? Or slow down muscle growth?

    I eat back my cardio calories, and I've been keeping it moderate intensity instead of pushing hard since I started NROL4W, but the scale is completely stuck. I can see in the mirror that I'm getting smaller, but haven't re-measured body fat % or inches yet.