Decided to raise my calories

So I decided to raise my calories and I'm so scared! I feel really bad about eating more:S I heard it takes some time to start losing again but how long should I wait to weigh myself? I don't know if I could keep going if I saw a big gain.


  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    You have to just commit to the process and believe that it will work for you. There is so much proof within this group that it does work but you have to be patient and not expect instant results.

    Some of us lost weight initially and then gained it back and then some. Some people it took 3-4 weeks to start losing again...others, like myself, it took 6 weeks!!

    If you can avoid weighing yourself in the beginning if you think it may deter you from continuing, then hide your scale. I'd suggest taking your measurements because that will be the best (and more encouraging) indicator of your progress!

    You'll find lots of support and encouragement here!
  • time2shine29
    time2shine29 Posts: 104 Member
    I agree. I was on a low calorie 900 and I gained half back. Its not good for your body to be in starvation mode like I was and I was under doctors orders which I think they are plain silly for having me do that. The best way is to figure out your TDEE and BMR and go from there.
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    I am in Week 3 of EM2WL and I've chosen NOT to weigh OR measure till at least the 4-6 week mark.


    I'm not going through life completely oblivious~ I am "going by my clothes" and so far, they are the same if not looser!! Today I put on a pair of jeans that "ju-u-ust fit" when I bought them and today they are perfect (if not a tad loose!!).

    I DO have some other Non-Scale Victories such as feeling SO much better, having more energy, an overall better emotional outlook on food and my weight, and last but not least: I no longer lose strands and strands of my hair in the shower!!
    I NEVER thought that the hair I was losing in the shower was a side effect of MALNUTRITION~ which is what we all were doing eating 1200 calories (and less)!!

    You WILL have to be patient with this process and be less pre-occupied with the scale~ especially if, like most of us USED TO be, it is the ONLY measure of success for you.

    This Board changed my life and it will change yours too if you give it a chance.

    Please stay with us......
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    Welcome !!! As Rosie said ....stick around !!!