"Progress" Photos: Day 15

MiMarMor Posts: 40 Member
Here is my back progress photo. The first photo was taken in November of 2011, but I was the *exact* same weight that I was when I started the shred (I forgot to take photos on day 1, oops). The next photo was taken on day 15. I honestly can't tell much of a difference and I fear that the small difference I can see is only due to my pose changing. Derp. Anyone else having results like this? I'm discouraged :(


Cross-posted in another 30DS group.


  • maryb2374
    maryb2374 Posts: 137 Member
    I definitely see a difference in your legs and the taper of your waist. Not that you had big love handles or anything but it's definitely sleeker looking. Great job! :smile: