starting NOW! sound good?

booyainyoface Posts: 409 Member
Hey guys, ive been trolling on this community a bit and want to start eating this way- it gets too challenging to always eat back exercise calories and change my portions daily due to how much i worked out.

i just want to make sure that I am doing this right... I have been working hard to overcome binge eating disorder, and the constant fluctuation of calories trying to eat back exercise calories and high/low days has left me more prone to binging lately. i usually have a semi-set menu so i figure once i figure out my normal menu it should be easy to maintain this!

just to make sure I got it right...
I am a special education teacher so i spend a lot of my day on my feet, but not really exercising. i do go to the gym and lift heavy weights 3 or 4 days a week, but cardio is something i usually skimp on due to time and the fact im on my feet most of my work day... i try to do a long cardio day on the weekend, or throw in 10-15 minutes of hiit in the morning after weights. (i am assuming this will classify as moderate?!)

so according to scooby i should eat 1790 calories daily (im going to round to 1800) and a minimum of my bmr at 1445
and on days i work out long and hard (i wear a hrm) and burn over 355 calories i eat back my calories so my net calories are 1445 correct?

do you ladies log your workout calories on mfp or only on days when you go high enough to require you to eat back some ex. calories?

aah thanks, looking forward to sharing my progress!



  • missdimpley
    missdimpley Posts: 192
    We are similiar in this situation. I am very curious about what others are saying about this. I am trying to recover binge eating as well. I am trying to deal with this as if this is my new lifestyle. thanks for sharing girl. I work out 6x a week and burn about 350-500 calories too.
  • booyainyoface
    booyainyoface Posts: 409 Member
    i wish i had time to work out that much, but after reading a lot i have kind of picked up that doing more cardio can be counter productive because you need to eat back a lot of those calories...

    in college my body did SO well with lots of weight lifting and just being active outside of the gym for my "cardio"

    im sending you a friend request- we got this!
  • missdimpley
    missdimpley Posts: 192
    Yes I started increasing my calories today. Im so scared. I've lost 179 lbs but stuck in a rut past 6 months. always tired, cold, etc etc. it is hortible. time for me to up my calories and enjoy this as I continue working out. yes we have got this! thanks girl.