Diabetes and the NROLFW Diet?

Hi all!

I'm currently doing JM 30 day as well as Nike Training Club's 30 min strength workouts (I can only work out about 3-4 times a week though--working full time and studying to take the State Bar of Texas is awful!). I'm going to finish JM the end of this month and hopefully by June starting NROLFW.

The thing is, I'm diabetic and even though I'm controlled and on insulin and my kidneys are awesome, the high protein diet suggested goes against the ratio of proteins and carbs my diabetes dr. has suggested for me (he wants me to do more of 60/40 ratio for proteins/carbs per meal, never to exceed 150 g of protein a day).

My question is has anyone seen a decent result without following the ridiculous amount of protein the book suggests? I'm hoping I can get away with my diabetes diet and still see some results.

Also, please add me if you want to help me along. I'm in serious need of more friends and inspiration.



  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    I don't think I can eat 150 grams of protein. lol With the ratio 40/30/30 my cut cut number has me at 120 per day. I rarely if ever go over that number.
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    I'd show the book to your Dr. or nutritionist and ask for advice on what's OK and what's not for you. My base protein on a non-lifting day (with 1405 calories) is 105 grams. My calories on a lifting day are 1688, which means 127 g. protein.

    Bottom line for me would be that whatever your Dr. tells you trumps advice from the book.