<~~~~ Newbie here!!!



  • jcmjim22
    jcmjim22 Posts: 162
    Let us know what you think!
  • tmacmoto
    tmacmoto Posts: 286 Member
    Well I've decided I don't want to wait until Saturday to start this... so... I'm going to cheat and use the Youtube level one until my DVD gets here :happy:

    Hi, just wanted to follow up with one of our newest members. Did you get your DVD on Saturday? And how is it going. At this point, you could be on Day 4/5 feeling some of that soreness. It will go away, we promise.
    Hope all is well with you and let us know how you are doing and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

    Happy Shredding
  • BridgettBZ
    BridgettBZ Posts: 50 Member
    Thanks for checking up on me :) I actually didn't want to wait for my DVD so I started Thursday using the youtube copy of level one. I did it Thursday, Friday, Saturday, went for a walk yesterday with my daughter and hopefully can do 30DS tonight if I can sneak away from the family otherwise for sure tomorrow, Thurs, Fri, Sat. as on those nights I have a couple hours to myself so no one to bug me as I'm yelling at Jillian. Overall I'm not to terribly sore other then my calves!! WOW!! Having a hard time keeping them from thightening up on me.
  • tmacmoto
    tmacmoto Posts: 286 Member
    No worries! We want to make sure that all of our newbies are checked up on and are doing well. Soon, you won't be a newbie and a regular at this.
    In the meantime for the tightness. Make sure to stretch out those calves. Do extra stretching. I like to suggest some light walking, Icy Hot, Alleve (or other pain medication for the inflammation), hot baths, and of course a lot of water.
    It's important to include a lot of water in your diet.

    And as always, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask us/friend us. We are here.

    Happy Shredding,
  • BridgettBZ
    BridgettBZ Posts: 50 Member
    Thank you I really do appreciate all the advise. Hopefully by Saturday I can start level 2. Wish I could get up early in the morning a do it but I'm having a really hard time walking up ealier then I have to... Hey I guess if I can do 30DS at least 4 days a week thats a lot better then not doing anything at all and sitting on my butt :)
  • jcmjim22
    jcmjim22 Posts: 162
    Hey I guess if I can do 30DS at least 4 days a week thats a lot better then not doing anything at all and sitting on my butt :)

    You're right...anything is better than nothing! Glad you are in this group with us. :)
  • BridgettBZ
    BridgettBZ Posts: 50 Member
    I'm happy to be apart of this group! It's nice that some people on here actually talk and post things compared to other groups.