Phase 2 cardio almost killed me...

Wouga Posts: 145 Member
The title pretty much says it all, but that DVD was crazy hard for me to keep up with! I did manage to get through it, but by the time it was done I thought I was gonna die...I even texted my husband afterwards and told him "if I'm dead when you get home remember I love you, and kiss the kids for me" :laugh:

Well I managed to crawl up my stairs to take the shower, and after a good 10 mins of all but being passed out on my bedroom floor I am back to normal body function again! Needless to say, I can't wait for that DVD to become "easy" for me.


  • willow3eb
    willow3eb Posts: 161 Member
    I have 2 more weeks until I get to Cardio 2.....your post makes me scared for it :ohwell:
  • Wouga
    Wouga Posts: 145 Member
    Don't be afraid, we can do this! I was just used to cardio being my "easy days" I wasn't expecting that today.
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    I LOVE that workout! I did it today, actually. Of weeks 5 & 6, it's my favorite workout of the three. It goes by so fast, since there are just 3 intervals and the exercises are just 30 seconds. It's a challenge for sure, but I love the mix between high/low exercises. It gives you a bit of time to sort of recover (sort of). I'm actually in week 7 of the program, but decided to repeat the workout 5/6 week because I ate poorly last week. I wanted to have clean eating weeks throughout.

    I don't think Cardio 2 will ever be "easy", but you'll find yourself seeing improvements.
  • giorgiannap357
    giorgiannap357 Posts: 3 Member
    I just did Cardio 2 today as well for the first time. It was def. a killer. Workout 5 was also pretty challenging. I remember starting this program that I fel similar for the Cardio 1, however towards the end of Phase 1 after doing Cardio 1 quite a few times I started getting used to it and didnt mind it this much. I hope just like you said that by the end of Phase 2 I will feel just the same about Cardio 2.

    I also feel Phase 2 since I just started it recently, its quite a step up from Phase 1, maybe a bit too drastic for a level change. Have not noticed major body changes after a month of workouts consisting of Jillians workouts and other mixed exercises in the mix. I have to be honest though I have not taken any body measurements but my clothes dont feel much different. I did however take my measurements today so i can track from now on.
  • KGTraxler
    KGTraxler Posts: 144
    The title pretty much says it all, but that DVD was crazy hard for me to keep up with! I did manage to get through it, but by the time it was done I thought I was gonna die...I even texted my husband afterwards and told him "if I'm dead when you get home remember I love you, and kiss the kids for me" :laugh:

    Well I managed to crawl up my stairs to take the shower, and after a good 10 mins of all but being passed out on my bedroom floor I am back to normal body function again! Needless to say, I can't wait for that DVD to become "easy" for me.

    Is that the video in phase 2 where Jillian Michaels says "you probably wanna die or kill me right now"? Because I start Phase 2 on Monday and just watching the DVDs for it and hearing her say that made me say out loud "Yes, Yes I would!" :laugh:
  • Padmo
    Padmo Posts: 89 Member
    Oh man I start Phase 2 on Monday, not sure if I should preview or not :sob::.
  • Ceceamanda
    Ceceamanda Posts: 91 Member
    Oh man I start Phase 2 on Monday, not sure if I should preview or not :sob::.

    Ditto! I typically preview most of the upcoming week on Sunday...maybe it's better to not know :laugh:
  • gerla_k
    gerla_k Posts: 495 Member
    Did Workout 5 today for the first time- Oh my goodness, cable exercises were the worst for me- I actually didn't mind crabs with raised leg that much. Overall, kicked my butt :tongue:
  • nesskehoe
    nesskehoe Posts: 49 Member
    Cardio 2 still kills me and I'm due to start Cardio 3 next week.

    The only thing that gets me through the workout is the fact that you only do each circuit 3 times.
  • hiitrocks
    hiitrocks Posts: 100
    I'm starting phase 2 on monday too...oh crap I'm scared now!
  • I HATE Cardio 2!!! It's doable but I too felt like I may die! Never thought I'd want to go back to Cardio 1 but I think I do now!