Are we doing this right?

My gf and I have been working out pretty solid for about 3-3.5 weeks now. Some days we workout once a day and others we work out twice. We do cardio 6-7 times a week, weight lift 4 days (chest and triceps Monday, back and biceps Tuesday, Shoulders and calves Wednesday and Legs Thursday), and do abs 1-2 times a week.

In the first two weeks we both lost about 4 pounds. I weighed myself today and it showed no weight loss. I do feel smaller and my gf commented to me that I look smaller. We both are fitting into our clothes better too, I just thought it was weird that I am showing no loss on the scale. I eat between 1500-1850 calories per day. Any thoughts/advice?? Could it be gain from lifting?


  • mamamudbug
    mamamudbug Posts: 572 Member
    Yep, everyone told me to put away the scale and bring out the measure tape. Many times it's not really a gain per say, since you're eating at a deficit. When you start lifting water gets held in the muscle to help with growth and repair.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    You are working out a lot! But as long as you are watching what you eat, initial weight loss could be masked by water weight, as the above poster said.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Also consider that the first week you lost water weight, then you lost fat but got some water back, so the weight's the same, but you lost fat!
  • crazyb257
    crazyb257 Posts: 3
    Okay, cool, that makes sense. Thanks girls!
  • catpow2
    catpow2 Posts: 206 Member
    Agree with other poster's comments. One additional comment--you all are working out a lot. Are you taking at least one rest day?
  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    You fit better in your clothes, and loosing inches-that is great! Throw away the scale! When you lift heavy things the scale is not your friend. Go by the tape and mirror. Great job!
  • crazyb257
    crazyb257 Posts: 3
    I am having to remind myself that the scale lies in terms of fat loss vs muscle gain... We have cut back a little on the working out, having at least one day rest and most times just working out once a day.This week we worked out in the morning and afternoon twice a week. Since I posted this, I still have yet to show weight loss on the scale, but there is def a change in my clothes... gonna ignore that stupid scale now and just focus on what I see and how I feel. Thanks again ladies :-)