Enough of this Diabetes!



  • nill4me
    nill4me Posts: 682 Member
    I'm going to have to check this out. I don't really crave sweets that often, but next time i do i'm going to check my BS and see if i'm running high. oh the irony hey??
    Hi there!

    OH YES. All I think of sometimes is food. I am ALWAYS hungry. Especially sweets. My Dr. said this can actually be a symptom so I checked and yes when I really crave someting sweet my BG is high.

    Hi, I too have trouble with keeping my count in check. I love cheeses but I don't do much exercising. My weight goes up and down. My main problem is I'm always thinking about what I can eat next. Food is alway on my mind. A diet goes well for up to two weeks and then I seem to have cravings , very strong cravings. Do you ever have this problem?

    Have a great day!

  • poodlelaise
    poodlelaise Posts: 149 Member
    When my suger is high, I am absolutely ravonous. I can eat a huge meal, and still feel like I'm starving. When its low (under 70), I have no appetite at all. I have learned that my body lies to me, and I need to stick to my plan unless I'm willing to test before eating anything extra, or skipping something I should eat.
  • robert65ferguson
    robert65ferguson Posts: 390 Member
    Have you had a look at your level of protein? increasing protein level may have a positive effect on cravings.
  • Gbelk1
    Gbelk1 Posts: 32 Member
    Welcome to the group. If you are looking for friends on the site you may add me. I am 59 and had type 2 for many years. I have learned to control it with diet and exercise I take very little medication and my goal is to loose some more weight and get off the meds completely. I have found the main issue with me is carbs. My doc tells me to just avoid them and it has worked. I keep my carb count below 100 most days and it works for me.
    Good luck and keep us posted on how you are doing.
  • carenj1990
    carenj1990 Posts: 27 Member
    My stats weren't like yours, I did challenge myself and my doc. Keep up the good life changes.
  • gogetmike
    gogetmike Posts: 12 Member
    Hello friends! Almost done with week 4 on a vegan diet and I just took my blood glucose readings and it was 90! 10lbs lost since I started and am recharged although I am a little shakey. Hopefully this apple helps. Hang in there everybody and live well!
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    Mike, sounds like you're doing great. We all have to find what works for us. For me, like coho, beans can shoot my bg up. It doesn't always do it but enough that I can't rely on them as a protein source.

    It is all about keeping your bg in a good level. If it takes meds to do that then take them. If you can get off them, great. I have never been able to be diet controlled. No matter how few carbs I eat, I still am high without meds.

    I had never heard of high bg making you crave sugar. I'll have to test and see if I do that. I know the other day I had a horrible sugar craving but I was also terribly stressed which generally makes me want to junk out anyway. Of course, when I'm stressed, my bg goes up so maybe that is what it is.
  • Dietz27
    Dietz27 Posts: 107
    Congrats Mike. Now just keep doing what you have been doing. It's a marathon not a sprint.
  • vyanadevi
    vyanadevi Posts: 134 Member
    Hello All, I have joined this group b/c my cousin has type II diabetes and I am trying to help her out. She does not weigh a ton at all and I am going to sound a bit ignorant right now but I cannot understand how she even got type II diabetes in the first place. She keeps telling me that she has to go to the gym but I really do feel that she really needs to change her diet and can really manage it that way, as well as dong some walking every day if she can’t afford a gym. I have been doing some light research and it says that this type of diabetes can be reversed through healthy eating. Thoughts?
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    Hello All, I have joined this group b/c my cousin has type II diabetes and I am trying to help her out. She does not weigh a ton at all and I am going to sound a bit ignorant right now but I cannot understand how she even got type II diabetes in the first place. She keeps telling me that she has to go to the gym but I really do feel that she really needs to change her diet and can really manage it that way, as well as dong some walking every day if she can’t afford a gym. I have been doing some light research and it says that this type of diabetes can be reversed through healthy eating. Thoughts?

    It is nice of you to want to help your cousin. I was diagnosed T2 at 34 while active and within my normal weight range. Contrary to popular belief T2 is not solely for old or overweight people. I currently wear size 2 pants and just increased my meds since my blood glucose is not under good control. It is highly likely they will end up putting me on insulin in the next year or two.

    Changing your eating can really help. Even when you don't have any weight to lose watching carbs can lower your blood glucose (BG or sometimes BS for blood sugar). Your cousin should see a diabetic nutritionist for help with her diet. Most of the years I've had diabetes I watched what I ate but no one ever realized that I was eating somewhat reduced carbs so you may not be aware of her dietary changes.

    Exercise really helps BG. Insulin resistance is lowered by exercise. For some people, taking walks is a huge help. For me it takes running or something very strenuous to really help, but again, mine is not very well controlled. People often find that taking a 20 minute walk after each meal really helps.

    Diabetes never goes away but you can control your BG with diet and exercise. Many people are helped by weight loss and can stop taking any drugs but they still need to keep an eye on their BG because even though their body is working better they still have diabetes. How to control BG is different for everyone. The only way to really find a system that works is to test your bg often. There is a great article on how to figure out what you should be eating and doing here: http://www.phlaunt.com/diabetes/14045524.php

    She has a lot of great info on her site.
  • vyanadevi
    vyanadevi Posts: 134 Member
    Thank you very much Sharonks. I will pass this info along to her. I have also referred her to some classes that I saw they were offering on diabetes.org. I had no idea that they had classes and I think that’s pretty neat. I have also mentioned to her about at least walking during the day and really concentrating on her eating habits but that is really all I can do, it is really up to her to do the rest. Thank you very much for responding, much appreciated.
  • gogetmike
    gogetmike Posts: 12 Member
    Hey all! Sounds like everyone is doing well and is accepting a diabetic lifestyle. Not that we elect to do so, but at least we are all tackling it and seeking advice and support. As for me and my challenges, my average weekly gluc has shot down to 105 and need to yet incorporate exercise on a daily basis. Found out I cannot eat ciabatta rolls this week 9blood shot up to 158 and that when i get below 80 for bg I get the shakes! YUCK! I can't believe that 80 is normal, but I guess its where all the non-diabetics live.

    Well here's to ending my sixth week of vegan diet, (not counting the Dunkin Donuts cream I had on Thursday in my coffee of course)!!!! 1 more month to I see my doctor and I hope my a1c gets below 7! Its a start!

    Keep on plugging on everyone! Everybody is doing great!

  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    This A1C may not drop as low as the next one will if you keep up what you are doing. It is a 3 month average and so if the first 1 1/2 months you were really high and the second half you were really low it will be good but not as low as an A1C done after 3 months of good control.

    I just don't want you to get discouraged if it doesn't seem as low as it should be. You have been doing a great job.
  • cwb2478
    cwb2478 Posts: 6 Member
    I kinda follow his program. The only thing I don't do is I eat fish. Everything else is vegan. That sounds weird. I'm vegan except I eat fish. I needed the protein and omega's. Anyway I've lost 50 ish lbs and my last A1C was 5.9 with no meds.
  • strick1and6
    strick1and6 Posts: 13 Member
    My husband and I started following Dr. Barnard's plan about 2 months ago. We are still eating seafood though, and some dairy (and ocassionally bacon - so hard to give up!). People look at me funny for going vegetarian. They are less harsh on you when you tell them it is for health reasons and not for any moral reason. SMH.

    We started because I had gestational diabetes and a family history of diabetes. Just last week I was diagnosed with "pre-diabetes". My A1C was 6.4. Ugg. I spent 6 hours yesterday in a diabetes education class. Now I am on the carb counting plan. Of course I forgot to test my BS this morning. I need to get in the habit.

    Thankfully my husband (who is not diabetic) is willing to help me get better. If only my MIL (who lives with us:explode: ) would stop bringing home the icecream. She was diagnosed with diabetes ~ 20 years ago. She lost the weight and figures she doesn't have diabetes anymore. I told her yesterday that she still has diabetes - she just may be contolling it better. Anyway - she is not very supportive.
  • ellens292
    ellens292 Posts: 176
    I just took a peek at your photos, Stick. What a sweet baby, you are blessed. And to have your hubby so supportive, wonderful.
    I find now with the diabetes under better control I don't crave ice cream so much any more. :smile: And if others are having treats it doesn't bother like it did when the metabolic syndrome had the upper hand. Still a ways to go tho'. Sites like this are a great help.
  • Bevigal
    Bevigal Posts: 66 Member
    One of my biggest culprits....powdered coffee creamer.....it says 0 sugar.....read the ingredients thoroughly. It has corn syrup solids. I was drinking my 2 cups of coffee with creamer and when I tested my sugar was 180. I switched to half and half and my sugar has been 120-128. I knew something was wrong as it had been at least 8 hours since I had eaten. There are so many things hidden in the labels. Also watch light dressings sometimes they have extra sugar. So I am learning to read the labels thoroughly. Hope this helps!:smooched:
  • gogetmike
    gogetmike Posts: 12 Member
    Good post Bevigal! Good to know!
  • robert65ferguson
    robert65ferguson Posts: 390 Member
    It's interesting you should mention corn syrup because here in the UK one of the TV channels has done an expose on just how deadly it is with a GI much higher than sugar. The culprits of course is the Agri Food industry with their drive for even greater profit despite the negative effects on health. Add to that the drive for super sizing and it's not difficult to see why obesity levels are rising and diseases like Diabetes are now rampant. You make a valid point about so called healthy versions which are anything but. Our only defence is to be equipped with sound information and keeping a close eye on the actual ingredients in our food. Avoiding processed food has never been more necessary. Keep reading those labels and ignore all advertising. Advertisers simply seek greater profits for their products and to pot with the consequences.
  • gogetmike
    gogetmike Posts: 12 Member
    7 weeks on the diet plan and things are looking good! Fear the 4th though, but just need to make healthy choices. Had talked to a Physicians Assistant this week at a party and he fired me up! EXERCISE and eat no junk was his battle cry. SO I have been slowly giving up things in bags (chips, popcorn, junk etc). and fast food and I am feeling much better. He told me to bring my family out for the walks and it really helps to connect and create an active lifestyle! My little 8 year old decided to run some of it!

    Well lets all commit to another week of whatever we are doing and I feel like I am at the point where I really want to get serious about weight loss...It's a mindshift for sure!

    Thank you all for your contimued support and my new food is Massel 7's vegetable boullion cubes with frozen veggies and chinese Veggie dumplings. less than 200 calories!

    1 more month until I see my Doc and he is going to be ticked off that I lossed so much weight! I have less than polite words to say about that, so silence is golden!

    Until next week!
