Ok so....burning 2000 - 3000 calories...what to eat

fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
So I am going Laguna Seca (Racetrack) on Saturday. I will be there for about 12 hours. I usually spend about 4-5 hours walking around.

I also carry 25lbs of camera gear, and a chair. With estimators, it seems between 2000 -3000 extra calories that I will burn. What in the heck can I eat to cover that calorie deficit. Especially when health food is few and far between.

They do have these wonderfull things called frog-dogs.....they are sourdough rolls, hollowed out, with a bigass turkey hotdog in them...with mustard and ketchup inside of course.

Might have to double fist those all day. lol


  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    Oh and I am going Saturday, and the saturday after...so two weekends of mega burn.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    And for those who dont know, that track is very hilly...they have a hill named "Stairmaster" because its like a 25 degree incline, for 300 feet lol
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Oh my, just the thought of eating that stuff turns my tummy...is it possibly to pack your own food...since you are lugging stuff I am thinking you have some type of rolling thing to haul the stuff...take a small cooler with your good healthy yummy stuff. But if you like that stuff, then enjoy some of it, but don't eat that all day long...eeek!
  • rebekahgo
    rebekahgo Posts: 235 Member
    i'm having one of those homer simpson drooling moments....mmmmmmmm, bigass turkey dog....seriously, dude, yum.


    stick some protein bars in your camera bag. premeasure some protein powder and take a shaker bottle (if you can handle it without other good stuff blended in). beef jerky. nuts. you could even get one of those cooler bags and throw some cold stuff in there like cheese and sandwiches. i have one that isn't very big but holds a lot. i think you could find one that looks more man-purse than the one i have though. or just pack a backpack with a few cold packs in there. refillable water bottle to avoid sodas and such.

    i'm used to packing for a kid on a special diet. i carry food everywhere for him and myself.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    I wont have room to lug a cooler unfortunately (ill be taking pics on the other side of the fence).

    However I will be loaded on a full box of cliff bars and will be munching on those all day as well. Also planning on a bigass bag of uncured turkey jerkey. Trying to minimize weight and size as much as possible since my camera bag is gigantic (lots of lenses and 2 camera bodies). My chair is a backpack chair, and the camera bag will be neck slung.
  • geetabean
    geetabean Posts: 76
    I think that you would probably be okay not eating back all of those calories. It's not like it is something that you do all the time, and having a bigger deficit for two days out of the year shouldn't do any harm. I'm thinking that if you eat all the junk they have there, you may hit all your calories, but my guess is you'd be waaay over on fat and sodium.....and probably carbs too. If it was me, I'd probably have 1 cheat type food and pack all the rest of my own food.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    I think that you would probably be okay not eating back all of those calories. It's not like it is something that you do all the time, and having a bigger deficit for two days out of the year shouldn't do any harm. I'm thinking that if you eat all the junk they have there, you may hit all your calories, but my guess is you'd be waaay over on fat and sodium.....and probably carbs too. If it was me, I'd probably have 1 cheat type food and pack all the rest of my own food.

    Yep one frog dog (I have to have one at least everytime I go). I avoid all the other garbage there. Ill post up pics after I am done.

    I will be there 4 times this, year and 3 times at Sonoma raceway, plus a bunch of Airshows.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I don't think you would have to double fist the hotdog all day in order to reach that deficit. One of them is probably 1200 calories.