Too much working out?

clovr24 Posts: 56 Member
After over a year of netting well under my BMR and seeing no results, I have finally learned why! I started upping my calories last week, and just went full on to aiming for 2000/day. So far no changes in weight/measurements (I was expecting them to go up, so that's fine with me). However, for the next 6 weeks I am also upping my training to the following for 6 days/week:

3 days/week - strength (Chalean Xtreme)
4 days/week - jogging (3miles, 3-5miles, 3-4miles, 8-10 slow)
2 days/week - Insanity (Plyo and Cardio Circuit)

I burn between 3200-4000 calories/week with the above..

I added the Insanity back in (I have completed twice last year) since I'm not training for a half-marathon at the moment. I can't stop the running because I lose everything and have to start over every time I do- but I am not doing any speed workouts or hill training during this, just easy, slow runs.

I think this probably means I need to up my calories even more - I have been mindful of eating back to BMR..but my confusion is that if TDEE takes activity into consideration, then if I do net below BMR, wouldn't it be made up on my rest day?

I will open up my food diary, and any feedback is welcome! :)

I am 5'6", 158lbs, 26yrs old - and aside from my workouts I am not very active (desk job).

Thank you!


  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    I would def say that that's too much, but it doesn't sound like you are really wanting let anything go, in which case, I'd def recommend fueling up properly for all of that. But that is a lot of food. LOL

    So.much.cardio. :noway:

    Even athletes have an "off-season" where they turn the focus over to the areas that are "lacking," then they slowly pick back up with the sports specific stuff as the season draws near again. It's perfectly acceptable to cut back some if there's no race in sight.... Just keep enough in, so that you're not out of shape. And focus on building back up what gets torn down during marathon training...your muscles.... :wink:

    If nothing else......Eat up!

  • clovr24
    clovr24 Posts: 56 Member
    I totally agree that everyone needs a break. My last half was in March, I took 2 weeks off completely from everything. I then went back to weights 3 days/week and jogging 2-3 days. So I guess this could be considered a new training cycle (for the beach!).

    I'm wondering how much more I should be eating because I'm assuming that 2000 isn't enough? I end up eating more some days to get back to my BMR (which I also question since I have a rest day where I do nothing).

    I think I might cut out a day of running since 3 days should be enough to keep my endurance (I hope!)

    Thank you!

    Edited to add: I should mention, that if I'm not "training" for something, I tend to lose all motivation when it comes to working out, so that's probably why my schedule may seem like a lot!
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    I know what you mean, and I do recommend training w/a goal at all times. So maybe switch that goal over to gaining muscle or like you said, beach training :tongue:

    3 days should be plenty to keep your endurance. Most people don't realize, but going over a certain amount of time w/your cardio, doesn't necessarily train your physical endurance, but more so the mental capacity to keep going for that long. I've had marathon runners come to me in the off season, I take them almost completely off of cardio (just keeping in a couple of HIIT sessions to keep them in shape), and they freak out at first. Eventually they get used to it, but as it comes time to train again for the next race, they are amazed at how much they DIDN'T lose by way of endurance. And they have a nice bod, and well rested joints to boot. :wink:

    Have you done your TDEE calculations? 2000 doesn't sound like enough for all that you are doing. Try this calculator to see how your stats measure up:
  • clovr24
    clovr24 Posts: 56 Member
    Yes, the mental aspect is a huge part of why it's always so hard for me to restart running after a break!

    I have run the numbers, and my BMR is 1520-1530 depending on the calculator. The scooby site recommends about 2200 calories with 5-6 hrs of exercise (15% cut), fat2fit says the same for moderately active. For 7-21hrs(bit of a gap there..) scooby recommends about 2400 calories, while fat2fit says 2500 for extremely active.

    I was thinking of going with 2200 calories and then if I ever fall below BMR (for net) to eat some extra. Since I'll be cutting a day of running, I will probably burn 3500calories or less/week rather than 4000.

    Does this sound like a good plan?

    Thanks again!