sicchi Posts: 189 Member
Hi all, I have been on atkins induction for about 3 weeks now and have not lost weight. I did lose the water and went from 145 pounds to 140 really quick. went away last w/e and while staying in ketosis (eating only induction friendly foods + nuts) and consuming only straight spirits (no carb) I have crept back up. Now, this week have done everything right, and am still stuck at my original weight. I am a healthy weight, i know, but would like to shed 10-15 pounds to be on the 'low end' of my healthy weight. My clothes fit the same although i am not bloated and i DO feel really good. Just wondering, anyone else out there starting in healthy weight range and having difficulties? thanks!


  • mncardiojunkie
    mncardiojunkie Posts: 307 Member
    Hi, I'm at 140. Tomorrow I weigh in again and it's been two weeks. I'd like to get down to 130 now. Although I've been at a healthy weight for a while (Over a month).

    So, yes, I'm a bit like you. However, I think that I'm continuously losing weight because I'm also a gym rat and I've started running again. When you are at your healthy weight and you are working out, then you can consider adding carbs, not reducing carbs. For athletics carb intake should be around 100 for women. I have learned this the hard way. So i'm not at all suggesting adding processed foods into your diet, but if you're working out, you can add more fruit.

    Also, if you are eating any of those prepackaged low carb bars or drinking any of those shakes, you might want to take them out of your diet. That stuff just stalls my weight loss.

    I'm not sure that this helps.
  • mountainmare
    mountainmare Posts: 294 Member
    Just curious. If you are at a healthy weight and you feel great and your clothes fit well why do you want to lose more weight to be at the low end of healthy. Have you thought about reworking your goals away from the scale to something more fitness related? Like lowering your body fat %, or running a race, or lifting heavier?
    Now I'm in my 60s and you probably think I just don't get it--but you are a bit older than a teenager--you are a wonderful adult woman who will never be at a high school or college weight because you are a grown up, but you can be incredibly fit and athletic.
    I do agree that to be active (I do jog a bit and hike hills alot) you have to increase your carbs, I also learned the hard way.
    Not sure this helps but you can do amazing things right now!!
  • mncardiojunkie
    mncardiojunkie Posts: 307 Member
    Just curious. If you are at a healthy weight and you feel great and your clothes fit well why do you want to lose more weight to be at the low end of healthy. Have you thought about reworking your goals away from the scale to something more fitness related? Like lowering your body fat %, or running a race, or lifting heavier?
    Now I'm in my 60s and you probably think I just don't get it--but you are a bit older than a teenager--you are a wonderful adult woman who will never be at a high school or college weight because you are a grown up, but you can be incredibly fit and athletic.
    I do agree that to be active (I do jog a bit and hike hills alot) you have to increase your carbs, I also learned the hard way.
    Not sure this helps but you can do amazing things right now!!

    I just want to be in the middle of the BMI chart. Healthy is 107-145 for my height. I know I'll never be 110 again...and I'm not sure that I want to be either. It was hard to find clothes that fit and I ended up buying clothing in the Girls department size 14-16. LOL!
  • mountainmare
    mountainmare Posts: 294 Member
    See--I agree with you that to aim for the middle of the range makes all the sense in the world, but to aim for the low end doesn't. It does make me grin a bit when I read about people in their 30s who are trying to fit into the "cute" clothes in the junior department--what part of junior don't they get. In one of local stores the junior department has pictures of Justin Bieber all around--face it, That could be a clue that you are just no longer a junior.
  • sicchi
    sicchi Posts: 189 Member
    I'm 145 and 5ft5. My healthy weight range is 120-150. Would love to drop a dress size. I was there before once in my life and felt the best. I just didn't even worry about my weight. My boyfriend loves my body, always has but i know it can be better (for me) and had dieted so much i had forced my body into starvation mode and was actually gaining weight eating 1200 cal a day. I have changed my way of eating doing the atkins diet. I eat more calories, and only 20 g carbs a day. I have splurged a bit with the atkins bars, people seem to think they can delay weight loss. So haven't had any this week. The weight is not budging but my body feels better. No bloating, constipation, mad sugar cravings ect.... I still feel a little weak in the legs when working out so I'm not pushing it. It has actually been 4 weeks now, I was a week out. I am just curious if this easy weight loss they talk about in the book is only for people that are 'overweight'. And what do us healthy weighters do??? I will get onto exercising this week and see if it helps. I am watching my calories now (1500 a day). Also, I am eating all the fat on my meat. Is this wrong? I have read the book about four times now and it says not to trim the fat but should i not eat it? so many rules, lol....
  • mountainmare
    mountainmare Posts: 294 Member
    I'm still overweight and have always been a regular exerciser--30 day shred, some kickboxing DVDs some strength and jogging and hiking hills. I stayed at 20g of carbs for about 3 weeks and had to up my carbs because I felt the same way you did. I would up the carbs (good carbs--follow the Atkins carb ladder) and continue to push the workouts instead of backing off the workouts because of the low carb. You want to be stronger and more fit. I kept thinking I would feel better with time, but the bottom line is I needed more carbs. My weight loss slowed but my inches lost increased--and that is what matters most.
  • Carriesund
    Carriesund Posts: 37 Member
    Just curious. If you are at a healthy weight and you feel great and your clothes fit well why do you want to lose more weight to be at the low end of healthy. Have you thought about reworking your goals away from the scale to something more fitness related? Like lowering your body fat %, or running a race, or lifting heavier?
    Now I'm in my 60s and you probably think I just don't get it--but you are a bit older than a teenager--you are a wonderful adult woman who will never be at a high school or college weight because you are a grown up, but you can be incredibly fit and athletic.
    I do agree that to be active (I do jog a bit and hike hills alot) you have to increase your carbs, I also learned the hard way.
    Not sure this helps but you can do amazing things right now!!

    I just want to be in the middle of the BMI chart. Healthy is 107-145 for my height. I know I'll never be 110 again...and I'm not sure that I want to be either. It was hard to find clothes that fit and I ended up buying clothing in the Girls department size 14-16. LOL!

    I am here with you I am right at the top of healthy weight for my size but my tummy looks awful. I want to be on the low to mid section of healthy weight. I work out a lot so I know it is not lack of exercise I am putting in about 15 to 20 hours a week of exercise right now preparing for a dance show. I need to raise my protein and lower my starchy carbs and get healthy natural carbs. Problem is I am finding all my on the go foods and even most of my marinades have sugar or starchy carbs in them. My herbalife shake mixes have sugar so do the protein bars. I am going to have to make a big change somehow since my costume requires a corset I have to get this belly under control!
  • EliBond
    EliBond Posts: 23
    Are you doing lots of exercise? I was in an odd situation where I got fatter after quitting sport but actually lost weight because muscle weighs more than fat.

    You may well be burning fat but gaining muscle - and that's GREAT!!

  • hardkitty
    hardkitty Posts: 25 Member
    have you seen the Reddit Keto group on MFP, they have loads of handy tips if you're trying to loose by ketosis. Sadly i'm doing a straight low calorie diet so I wouldn't be able to tell you :)
  • sicchi
    sicchi Posts: 189 Member
    Thanks everyone! I think i will try adding good carbs in this week. No inches lost or weight, but as I said, my body FEELS good! I have been eating nuts the last 4 weeks. will add some berries this week. I am so glad that all you 'healthy weight low carbers' have come out. Its nice cause we understand its not a vanity thing but a personal thing like a bad belly or thick thighs or chubby arms. It is sometimes hard for overweight/obese people to understand when they think we are fine the way we are. please friend me if you feel the same. Sick of seeing 'lost 10 pounds' on my message board, lol. I'd get a buzz out off 1 right now!
  • sicchi
    sicchi Posts: 189 Member
    Are you doing lots of exercise? I was in an odd situation where I got fatter after quitting sport but actually lost weight because muscle weighs more than fat.

    You may well be burning fat but gaining muscle - and that's GREAT!!


    no, have not been exercising as in australia its winter and when i get home at night it is dark out (not very safe for walking/running). it is also dark when i leave for work. Will get my 'firm' dvds out i think, they get my heart rate pumping and sculpt muscle. Hopefully a few extra natural carbs will pump me up!
  • sicchi
    sicchi Posts: 189 Member
    have you seen the Reddit Keto group on MFP, they have loads of handy tips if you're trying to loose by ketosis. Sadly i'm doing a straight low calorie diet so I wouldn't be able to tell you :)

    thanks! i'll check that out!
  • sicchi
    sicchi Posts: 189 Member
    Just curious. If you are at a healthy weight and you feel great and your clothes fit well why do you want to lose more weight to be at the low end of healthy. Have you thought about reworking your goals away from the scale to something more fitness related? Like lowering your body fat %, or running a race, or lifting heavier?
    Now I'm in my 60s and you probably think I just don't get it--but you are a bit older than a teenager--you are a wonderful adult woman who will never be at a high school or college weight because you are a grown up, but you can be incredibly fit and athletic.
    I do agree that to be active (I do jog a bit and hike hills alot) you have to increase your carbs, I also learned the hard way.
    Not sure this helps but you can do amazing things right now!!

    I just want to be in the middle of the BMI chart. Healthy is 107-145 for my height. I know I'll never be 110 again...and I'm not sure that I want to be either. It was hard to find clothes that fit and I ended up buying clothing in the Girls department size 14-16. LOL!

    I am here with you I am right at the top of healthy weight for my size but my tummy looks awful. I want to be on the low to mid section of healthy weight. I work out a lot so I know it is not lack of exercise I am putting in about 15 to 20 hours a week of exercise right now preparing for a dance show. I need to raise my protein and lower my starchy carbs and get healthy natural carbs. Problem is I am finding all my on the go foods and even most of my marinades have sugar or starchy carbs in them. My herbalife shake mixes have sugar so do the protein bars. I am going to have to make a big change somehow since my costume requires a corset I have to get this belly under control!

    I feel ya sister, lol! I am in prroportion, but top heavy so my arms a thick. Unfortunatly weight training only tones doesn't help the size. good luck with your dance show!
  • jelam913
    jelam913 Posts: 4 Member
    I noticed you said you are consuming only straight spirits. Technically these are no carbs, but they act the same as beer or wine as far as how your body processes them. You might try cutting out all alcohol and see if that gets the scale to budge. I know that is a pain but losing those last few pounds are definitely the hardest.
  • Hi everyone. Today is Day 1 back on Atkins. I am 5'4", and weigh about 129 lbs which is in my healthy weight range, but my goal is 120. I graduated college a couple years ago and got a desk job. Somewhere in there my motivation for exercise went to zero, and I've been losing muscle and putting on fat steadily since then. My boyfriend and I recently acquired a home gym, so that will be extremely helpful in getting me active again since I won't have to actually go to a gym (which I'm not a fan of anyway). I am hoping that by using MFP tools and interacting with others on the forums that it will be easier to stay motivated this time around. Looking forward to sharing motivation, tips, recipes etc.