Fitness Pals

Jamisonanne Posts: 25 Member

My name is Jamison, I am 22 and a former cross country runner/dancer who is triyng to lose the freshman 15( oh yeah and sophomore 15, and junior 10). Technically I am not overweight but I am not the happy healthy person I am used to and am having a hard time getting over the hump. Support really makes a huge difference so I am hoping to find some friends on here and give some support as well! Don't be afraid to send me a request or message! Good luck on your journey!



  • stunningalmond
    stunningalmond Posts: 275 Member
    Hey Jamison!! Good luck on your weight loss goal!! I'm trying to lose about 20 more lbs. I have a really bad food addiction, so I balance it with hitting the gym hard 6 days a week. I'm trying to train myself to eat better :) It's a challenge :)
  • AmandaBooh
    AmandaBooh Posts: 1
    Hi Jamison, I was in the same boat as you! Gained 30 pounds in college before I realized it!

    After getting engaged, I knew I wanted to lose the weight and find myself again. I made a commitment to MYSELF to be healthy and workout because you have to remember that you are doing this for yourself, not anyone else! You can do it! Just find what works for you! For me, I made small goals, if I worked out 12 times in a month I could buy new yoga pants...Next month I had to work out 13 times to get something new...then 14 times...and so on. I got excited about working out and marking my physical calendar to reach my goals. Good luck!
  • Telease2
    Telease2 Posts: 3
    You'll get there. I share those same feelings. I was this really fit girl (skinny but toned, 5'5 115 pounds) and now that i have added an extra 30 pounds it makes me feel not like my real self. Hang in there and watch your food intake. I have done 1200 calories for the last 12 days and have already lost 3 pounds.
  • I think just about everyone gains in college. It just happens. Dining halls, late night pizza, and drinking are far from conducive to weight loss! :) Good luck with your goals!!