Any goals for May????

livefree1127 Posts: 24 Member
Hi ladies, my goals for May are, try more reduced calorie items, (low-fat salad dressings, mayo, etc.) Walmart has low fat ham and turkey lunch-meats that are very tasty and half the calories. OH, and cheese, I all ready am doing that and am just as satisfied. Also, I am going to work my way up to exercising 3x's a week and also, all ways all ways be spreading God's word of peace, joy and love!!!!!!!


  • mrsbaileybrown
    I love your goals for May. Try Jenni-O's turkey ham. I haven't eating pork in over 5yrs and this is a favorite of mine. I've tailored my goals so that we can make this journey together. Were ever two or more gather in his we start to see results. :wink:
  • livefree1127
    livefree1127 Posts: 24 Member
    Thks BB maybe we can encourage drooks123 to come back to our group discussions. I messaged her.