What to do when TDEE=BMR for just one week?

wookiemouse Posts: 290 Member
Just curious as to how to handle this. I wear a Fitbit, and on my usual day, my TDEE is spot on (2187). However, on my "lazy days" (like yesterday....AM soccer game for the kids (I sat the entire time), older son had testing for karate (3.5 hours sitting), rest of the time sitting in the car, no exercise since it was my "rest day"), my TDEE=BMR. On those days, I just ignore them and continue to eat my Cut, since I know it's only one day a week, if that.

Now, my question is - I'm going on a week vacation at the end of May. To the beach. Where I will be doing nothing but sitting (hopefully!). If I continue to eat my Cut, then I will be 500 cals over my TDEE daily (since my BMR will equal my TDEE).

I am planning on getting some exercise in daily (I managed to do so last year when we went, but it's not a given). If I don't exercise to increase my TDEE, what do you suggest I do calorie-wise for that week? Aim for my BMR instead of my Cut? Or continue to eat my Cut, gain whatever I gain, and my body will readjust when I get back into my usual TDEE once I'm home?


  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I find when on vacay I just don't care to cut back on cals and I'm usually pretty busy. It is up to you. Me personally I would stick with my cut.
  • scottc561
    scottc561 Posts: 329 Member
    Your bmr and TDEE will never be the same unless you sit comatose in bed all day.
  • wookiemouse
    wookiemouse Posts: 290 Member
    My BMR is 1411 according to Scooby's site. My TDEE yesterday (when I went to bed at 10 PM, according to Fitbit) was 1434. Not identical but pretty darned close.
  • scottc561
    scottc561 Posts: 329 Member
    My BMR is 1411 according to Scooby's site. My TDEE yesterday (when I went to bed at 10 PM, according to Fitbit) was 1434. Not identical but pretty darned close.

    The likely answer is your fitbit is not correct then.
  • wookiemouse
    wookiemouse Posts: 290 Member
    Great. Not the answer I was looking for! ;) I'll see how it does tomorrow. Right now, it's 3:30 and it has me at 1341. That's about right for the activity level I'm at today (just been doing chores all day and a little yardwork). Well below my usual TDEE of 2187, but that also includes 400 cals burned during a workout (rest day today).
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    That just doesn't sound right at all.
  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    I wear a fitbit as well and sometimes question it too. I usually try to eat my 15% cut ( go over if I'm especially hungry that day). So now I just use my fitbit to make me move more to get to my goals as in flights of stairs, steps, etc... and dont really use the cals burned for the day.
  • scottc561
    scottc561 Posts: 329 Member
    I wear a fitbit as well and sometimes question it too. I usually try to eat my 15% cut ( go over if I'm especially hungry that day). So now I just use my fitbit to make me move more to get to my goals as in flights of stairs, steps, etc... and dont really use the cals burned for the day.

    Thats a good reason to use it. I do the same with the steps on the bmf, if my steps are low I will get out or on a treadmill and make sure I get em that day.

    The only issue I have with the fitbit is it does not know how hard you are working. If you have 2 of the exact same people walking on a treadmill at the same speed and one person raises the incline you both are not working the same amount. The fitbit will not know one person is working harder due to the incline and hence it wont be an accurate estimate. Now ive heard that if all you do is walk on flat ground for your workouts then the fitbit is pretty good to have, but if you want accurate workouts you should wear a hrm with it. But as all gadgets its just an estimate and even if it's off a little it's useful to have or to keep you motivated.

    As far as the fitbit saying you are only burning a few calories more then your bmr, I would seriously question that. Even just lightly moving around during the day will burn significantly more then your bmr. There are several reasons it may be off, but since I have never used the fitbit I can't take a guess as to why. I would contact their customer service and question them about this. I hope you get it figured out.