6 week plateau! please help!!!

Agirard25 Posts: 154 Member
Hi all,

I just joinned this group-although I have been looking and reading posts for two weeks now! I joinned MFP on Jan 20th 2012 and have lost 27lbs by eating about 1200 cal and working out. I am an ex-athlete trapped into my out of shape 30 something body! I am running a few times a week (usually 3-and I usually do about 1/2 hour and do either hill intervals or speed intervals because I get bored). I am reading the New Rules of Lifting for Women but am intimdated to actually start doing the exercises at the gym because I feel like a fish out of water. I typically do 3 days of JM 30DS so I am getting pushups, squats ect just nothing with "Heavy" weights as I tend to use 5lbs and still find them challenging! I have been within 2 lbs (146-144) for the past SIX WEEKS and I just can't take it anymore. I strive for a healthy fit ATHLETIC body, like I used to have, but I DO still have plenty of fat to lose so I would liike the scale to go down a bit too. I am only aiming to be about 135 lbs, and lean with muscles.

I upped my calories to 1310 last week and was hoping that would do something....but no significant changes.

I work at a desk most of the time, and I have a toddler and an infant so am fairly active chasing them around the rest of the day! Any suggestions on +/- what my calories should be would be greatly appreciated. I tried to figure them but think I have messed it up!



  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Have you read the 'what to expect' sticky? If not- go head there now.

    Your activity level is most likely higher than you think it is- most Mom's I know think they're sedentary when they're truly moderately active and higher. Cleaning house counts :D

    So you don't have too much weight to lose- we're not talking about fifty pounds here. I would look away from cardio and focus on weight lifting- 'heavy' is relative. I have a feeling the scale weight won't matter to you if you are smaller and more 'toned'.

    Walmart sells a 20 dollar dumbbell set that should last you quite a bit while you get used to lifting- this is assuming you can't afford a barbell set or exercise routine such as Cathe or New Rules of Lifting For Women. Get moving with weights. You'll puff up for a few weeks- don't worry it'll go away. What you'll end up with is tight, toned and sleek instead of thinner and flabby.

    What are your stats?

    I'll be happy to double-check your numbers for you. :)
  • Agirard25
    Agirard25 Posts: 154 Member
    Thank you so much!!! I appreciate and welcome any help you can offer!!

    Height 5'4"
    weight 144.9
    age 35 (36 in july)

    I will read the "what to expect" sticky....haven't seen it yet! and thanks again!
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Ok- I've got two numbers for you and some things to think about :)

    First up- these numbers might be a bit low for you. You don't have much to lose and are looking for toning not just fat loss. This takes more fuel than fat loss but the results.. wowsa!

    If you work out 1-3 hours a week then eat 1654 a day.
    If you work out 3-5 hours a week then eat 1865 a day.

    You can work up to these numbers or go whole hog- it's up to you. You might need to go higher with your calories- because you don't have much to lose and you are looking to get lean and mean ;)

    Hope that helps!
  • Agirard25
    Agirard25 Posts: 154 Member
    awesome, thanks! and where is that sticky you mentioned before? I've been looking for it, but I guess that I am not so observent! yikes!

    Also, I assume my calories should be great fuel not just "calories"?
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Eat good enough- if it becomes an obsession to eat 'right', then perhaps it's not worth the emotional damage. I aim for 80% healthy food and 20% whatever the heck I want.

    That's not EM2WL rules- just mine. No one is taking my pudding away from me lol

    Here is the sticky-
  • Agirard25
    Agirard25 Posts: 154 Member
    awesome, just read it! Thanks again-totally makes sense. I am going to put a real focus on lifting and will continue to do some cardio too because now I have grown to love it....I am hoping to grow to love lifting as well!