just want to be sure I'm on track.

julysbaby Posts: 97 Member
I'm really trying to get a handle on the eat more to weigh less. I find that I am not consistent in my calorie intake. Can someone please look over my diary and tell me if I am at least on the right track?
TDEE 2347
My goal is 1997 rounded to 2000 for sanity sake:wink:

Anyway, any feedback is greatly appreciated!!!


  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Are you set to sedentary? I ask because you're eating back your exercise calories and if you're going off a correctly figured out TDEE cut- then you don't eat them back. When you enter in your exercise to MFP- just replace the burn with a 1 if you want to use MFP to track your workouts.

    The only other thing I'd point out is that if you're over one day- leave it there. Don't try to 'make up for it' the next day. It can lead to some bad habits.
  • julysbaby
    julysbaby Posts: 97 Member
    Thanks. I am at sedentary. I have a desk job and only workout a few days/wk. I am not purposely eating my exercise calories. I think I got confused. Like a few days last week, my net was 1600, so I ate back 100 the next day. Then I freaked out and was averaging out how much I went over. So for the week, all in all, I had only gone "over" 300 calories. Which, considering me, at least this early in the game, isn't too bad. Am I processing this wrong? Sorry, I think I'm being dense, I just want to do this right.
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    I think I understand you-

    There are two ways to do this.

    Way 1-
    Calculate TDEE for the week including exercise. Take 15% off that and eat the leftover amount.

    Way 2-
    Calculate TDEE for the week not including exercise. Take 15% off that and eat back exercise calories from MFP.

    (technically there are more than two ways but I'm not going to list all of them. It just gets confusing lol)

    I prefer way one- it's simpler and has me eating the same every day of the week- thus rebuilding my metabolism and getting my body to trust that I'm going to feed it right from here on out. No more wild fluctuations from day to day. Personal preference and it's mine. Plus- I don't have to think about it. I just eat that amount unless I do some exercises that were NOT in my TDEE calculations.

    Your NET value is going to be different because you're using TDEE instead of MFP's calcs with exercise. Unless you pick way two- in which case just eat your exercise cals back. Your choice.

    Clear as mud now?
  • julysbaby
    julysbaby Posts: 97 Member
    I think the lightbulb went off over my head!!!!Thanks so much! :flowerforyou: