
lstd Posts: 40
Hi everyone,

I started this group cause I'm looking for advice, motivation from other runners whether be 5k, 10k or marathon runners. Lets start off by giving and introduction about your self, how often you run, what race accomplishments you have currently.

My name is Lori, I am 34 years old and I just started running in Jan '12. I had a new years goal that was set with a friend that we were going to run a 5k in March it would be her second 5k and my first 5k. I started with the couch to 5k training and found I have a new hobby! I LOVE RUNNING! I'm always looking for an excuse as to when I can fit a run in.. even if it is only a 5k run :)

St. Patricks 5K Race 34.43
Eagle by the Bay 5K 36.01


  • JVandesteeg
    JVandesteeg Posts: 157 Member
    Hi. My name is Jill. I'm 31 years old and I started running in early March. Last year at this time, I woulda laughed if someone told me to run a mile or three! :) I NEVER imagined the words, "I love to run" would come outta my mouth...but I'm sooo glad I gave it a shot! I absolutely LOVE it and can honestly say it's quite addicting!

    I ran my first 5k over the weekend. I finished with a time of 31:44 and placed 3rd in my age division. I will run another one in June and my goal is to finish it in 30 minutes...but would LOOOOVE it if I could cross that finish line in 28!

    Looking forward to having a support group to help me along this journey! Good Luck to all of you on meeting your running/weight loss goals!
  • kathyhull
    kathyhull Posts: 327 Member
    Hi. I'm Kathy, almost 53 years old. I started walking 5Ks in 2009 - first one took almost an hour. Then I decided to run a little, walk a lot and gradually improved. I joined a "Biggest Loser" challenge at my gym - didn't lose much but I remember being amazed that I could run 1 mile without stopping after working out with them for a while. Last year I joined a training group for the Thanksgiving Day 10K (I had walked it previously in about 90 minutes) and ran/walked it in just under 70 minutes! That gave me the crazy notion to do 1/2 marathon. I again joined a training group, ran with them twice a week but didn't follow the rest of the program as closely as I should have - they encouraged weight training and additional runs during the week which I didn't really do faithfully. I ran the Cincinnati Heart Mini marathon ( 15 K) in March in 1 hour, 48 minutes and then the 1/2 marathon in Indianapolis on May 5, 2012 in 2 hours 48 minutes and 38 seconds - just under 13 minute miles.

    I don't think I want to do any more 13 mile runs but really enjoy ~8 miles so I think I'll start working on improving my time by running 3 times a week and weight training 2 days and see how fast I can do the next few 5Ks and then the Thanksgiving Day 10K this year. I was never athletic as a kid, always a little chubby and very lazy so I'm just amazed that, at 50+ years old, I can do these things!
  • kathyhull
    kathyhull Posts: 327 Member
    BTW, Lori and Jill, you ladies have some awesome times on the 5Ks for having just started! Keep up the good work! I'm doing a 5K for tornado victims this weekend and hope to finish in about 32 minutes and then have another one in June for lung cancer research which I'm hoping to do in 30 minutes. Keep up your good work!
  • davin16
    davin16 Posts: 1
    Hi my name is Fawnya and I'm 31. I use to run alot when I was younger, I was in cross country in high school. I was in the navy and from 2007-2008 I ran a lot again and I did some 5k in the navy. I just started up running again in March 12, 2012. April 22 in Ocean City I did the 5k Komen Race for the Cure my time was 26:43. This Sunday May 19 I do the warrior dash super excited!
  • Swanson83
    Swanson83 Posts: 226 Member
    Hello Runners!
    I am Amy, almost 29. I started running in February 2012. I decided to jump feet first. I haven't run a race yet. I am hoping to run my first half marathon/race on Sunday!

    There are about 4 to 7 5k's this summer that I'd like to run so after Sunday I'll be working on speed training. Since this is my first race I want to just finish. :)
  • Leslie1339
    Leslie1339 Posts: 2
    Hi all,
    My name is Leslie and I've started running @ November and now getting ready for my first half Marathon. At first I hated running but now it's almost consuming my every thought. I feel like if I don't exercise I will get FAT over night. anyone else getting obsessed with exercise and when do you know if it's too much?
  • Leslie1339
    Leslie1339 Posts: 2
    Oh and I forgot to mention, i've done a couple of 5K's One in March the other in April, I did a 10K in the beginning of May I have a 5 Mile race this weekend coming and the half marathon in June. :wink:
  • JVandesteeg
    JVandesteeg Posts: 157 Member
    BTW, Lori and Jill, you ladies have some awesome times on the 5Ks for having just started! Keep up the good work! I'm doing a 5K for tornado victims this weekend and hope to finish in about 32 minutes and then have another one in June for lung cancer research which I'm hoping to do in 30 minutes. Keep up your good work!

    Thank you so much! You have an inspiring story as well!! Good Luck on your 5k! I know you can reach your goal!!! Keep us updated! :smile:
  • HeartME511healthy
    HeartME511healthy Posts: 163 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I started this group cause I'm looking for advice, motivation from other runners whether be 5k, 10k or marathon runners. Lets start off by giving and introduction about your self, how often you run, what race accomplishments you have currently.

    My name is Lori, I am 34 years old and I just started running in Jan '12. I had a new years goal that was set with a friend that we were going to run a 5k in March it would be her second 5k and my first 5k. I started with the couch to 5k training and found I have a new hobby! I LOVE RUNNING! I'm always looking for an excuse as to when I can fit a run in.. even if it is only a 5k run :)

    St. Patricks 5K Race 34.43
    Eagle by the Bay 5K 36.01

    Hi My name is Marshua

    I love to run, I was not a runner or jogger until 6 years ago, then stop and go from there. It wasn't until I turn 44 where I wanted and needed more ME time, I did my first 5K Turkey run with a bunch of family and friends. At the time I didn't think about timing I think I did my first one in 43 min. Not sure, then I did another 5K which was the following year. didn't do anything to this nature. Then I had surgery, and wanted to be healthy and I knew the cardio and working out was going to give me an outlet that I needed, I say I needed to step my game up, so started off doing 3 miles, then 5 miles then 7. My friend was telling me to challenge myself and do a half marathon, and we should train for it and I found myself going with it. I just did my first half marathon

    Mermaid Series Half Marathon 2.43.48

    This was nice I thought I could do it in 2.25, but now I am juiced and ready for another one. I am 46 years old and loving this life change, I get LOST IN MY RUN and I totaly am pleased with my progress.
  • traintk
    traintk Posts: 22
    I am 46 years old. I started running when i was 39. After my first 5 mile race I was hooked. For a few years my goal was a half marathon. I kept getting injured, then 4 years ago I completed my first half in 2:28. I ran the whole thing and swore i would never do it again. My niece ran the Chicago Marathon 2 weeks later and I set my goal on that. I have now completed 7 half marathons and 2 Chicago marathons. My problem is that even though training for these runs, I cannot seem to lose weight. i have put on 20 pounds since starting running. my goal this year is to run the Marathon in Chicago this year 25 lbs lighter. i need all the motivatin I can get.
  • kimdva
    kimdva Posts: 1 Member
    I am 37 years old. I started running last June in preparation for a women's four miler. I joined a training group for the four-miler. Without their help, I'm sure it would have been difficult to complete the four miler. Since then, I've done three 5k's. My goal is to get my pace time to 10 minutes or less per mile. I would've never thought I would love running but I actually do now. My goal is to do a 10k on July 4th and maybe a half in the fall or spring.
  • Rahneene
    Rahneene Posts: 14
    Hello everyone!

    I just started running about two weeks ago. I always wanted to run but I didn't think I had it in me. I decided that this year will be the year that I run in a 5k. I have a friend that took me under her wing and helped me pick out my first pair of running shoes! I thought I was a pro so I started out on the treadmill at 6mph. I almost killed myself! I am now at 4.6 mph and I am able to jog longer without stopping. This past weekend, I took it to the trail and I did fairly well outdoors. I am excited about running my first 5k and if anyone has any tips on how I can improve my speed , I would greatly appreciate it!
  • lstd
    lstd Posts: 40
    BTW, Lori and Jill, you ladies have some awesome times on the 5Ks for having just started! Keep up the good work! I'm doing a 5K for tornado victims this weekend and hope to finish in about 32 minutes and then have another one in June for lung cancer research which I'm hoping to do in 30 minutes. Keep up your good work!

    Thanks Kathy! Im hoping before the end of summer I will be at or under 30! and I don't even have a goal for a 10k.. other than just finish that puppy : ) Look forward to getting to know you along the way too!
  • lstd
    lstd Posts: 40
    Hello everyone!

    I just started running about two weeks ago. I always wanted to run but I didn't think I had it in me. I decided that this year will be the year that I run in a 5k. I have a friend that took me under her wing and helped me pick out my first pair of running shoes! I thought I was a pro so I started out on the treadmill at 6mph. I almost killed myself! I am now at 4.6 mph and I am able to jog longer without stopping. This past weekend, I took it to the trail and I did fairly well outdoors. I am excited about running my first 5k and if anyone has any tips on how I can improve my speed , I would greatly appreciate it!

    : ) I can so relate to your treadmill story.. I went and had my shoes fitted for me at a local running store and since it felt like I was on clouds. I thought " I got this" lol NOT SO MUCH!! the worst part I was at a gym.. one of those moments u stand up and look to see if anyone saw.. yep they did the whole gym.. lol
  • lstd
    lstd Posts: 40
    it is great to see everyone joining and sharing what their new passion is.. glad to know i'm not the only one! I will tell you that this is sooo inspiring to read each of your bio's.. and you half marathoners are really making me consider making that my new goal next year..
  • tdbernrd
    tdbernrd Posts: 510 Member
    My name is Tracy, and I'm 37. I started running this past February. I completed C25k April30th and ran/walk my first 5k about 2 weeks ago. My time was 42:14 which I thought was decent until I saw the other times. LOL! I do most of my running on a treadmill. I finally made it up to 5mph doing some speed training last week. My goal is to complete three 5ks, do one running the entire time, and improve my breathing. I have a tough time getting the rhythm down. I run 4 - 5 times a week. Currently I'm working on hills, endurance, and speed. Hopefully, by the third 5k, I'll come in under forty minutes. You guys are truly an inspiration and thanks for creating this group.:flowerforyou:
  • tdbernrd
    tdbernrd Posts: 510 Member
    I forgot to add cool runnings is a great site for pointers regarding training.
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 1,003 Member
    hi, i think i kind of jumped the gun and posted about my running experience (if you can call it that!) already.

    I'm a 28yr old SAHM of 2 :)
    I've always wanted to run, just didnt have the confidence. To me, runners just reek of confidence! Its just always looks so freeing and fun. I think it takes your whole body to run. Its a whole different kind of fitness than what I'm used to. It's not just muscle and flexibility, its your heart and lungs and mind. I ran for the first time in my life today and I've never felt so proud. I've also never shocked myself so much! You can read about my experience in the threads, called SCAREDY CAT. Maybe my language or personality is a little too colorful for a new group or new group member, but its me and its honest. lol.
  • lightnda
    lightnda Posts: 17 Member

    I'm Dave and I'm 38.

    I started running when I was 29, with the aim of running a marathon before I was 30. I've been a runner on and off ever since. My weight has yo-yo'd for years, with me training for a marathon and losing shed loads of weight and then piling it all back on when I stop training after the marathon. They say you should take a couple of weeks off to let your body recover, but I was taking 9 months off...

    This year I ran my 5th London marathon and rather than stopping training I have managed to carry on, changing my focus to nailing a really good 5k time.

    My training is going really well at the moment and I feel like I am improving almost every week. I still try and do a longer run of about 6 or 7 miles at the weekends, but am focussing on interval training, hill running and 5k runs.

    It's so inspiring to hear all of your stories and to see everyone trying to better themselves; looking for the runner inside.

    I hope I don't sound too up myself, but if anyone wants any tips on training schedules or strategy then please feel free to ask on this forum, or "friend" me and ask directly.

    Running is such a part of my life now that I hope I never get to a point where I decide to pack it in for another 9 months!

    Run strong, never give in and if you your run doesn't work out today, don't let it discourage you from pulling on your trainers tomorrow.

    I'll leave you with a favourite quote of mine....
    It doesn't matter how slow you go, you are still lapping all those sitting on the sofa.

  • pabscabs
    pabscabs Posts: 61 Member

    I'm Paul but my friends call me Pabs (it's a long story). I'm turning 40 in September.

    I started running almost 2 years ago when I found a list I had written when I was twelve of what I would do before I died. Which according to 12 year old me would be at 35. Apparently I'm on borrowed time.

    4th on the list was to run a marathon.

    I have always hated running. I thought it was boring and even at times when I thought I was fit it was hard to breath properly. Yeah, I was great at the excuses.

    First month running is bar far the worst. Then you fall in love with being out in the beauty of your city, listening to tunes and even the rain.

    I don't have many running achievements about seven 5K's, three 10K's and a half marathon. I'm currently training hard for the Dublin City Marathon in October which will be my first. I now cherish running as "my time".

    Dave I would welcome any advice on the marathon. My advice to anyone starting running is to give yourself time and get some good music. Running a mile or three or five is a lot further than most people think. Give yourself a break, keep trying and you'll get there but most of all you won't regret it.
