Running my first half in Sept



  • pabscabs
    pabscabs Posts: 61 Member

    I've been told a 1 degree incline on a treadmill is the equivalent to running on the road but I don't know how true that is. I run on the road and I know it quite hard on the knees and feet.

  • flemmish51
    flemmish51 Posts: 7
    I'm encouraged by all the people in this post that are trying out running and have goals to achieve. I've been running for about 24 years. I've has successes and running related injuries, I've competed in hundreds of races and even have a few age group plaques. But here is the real gem. I've made tons of now lifelong friends that I hang out with, party with, and share all aspects of my life with. The benefits of running? I have a heart that could power a municipal water plant, a resting pulse rate so low that doctors have to be assured there is no problem (yearly checkup), I can run up a flight of stairs (I'm 60), I can beat my teenage grandson in a sprint, I can run a hilly ten miles and mow the lawn and still have energy to do other things. So yes, running has been very good to me. It's an effort sometimes (still) to get out the door but for the most part I feel good - like everything is still working.
    So keep on running - all of us.
    Health is one of the very best gifts you can give yourself.