Can I fit Women's Lifting into my schedule?

graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
Hey guys! I bit the bullet and purchased the New Women's Guide to Lifting today.

Couple of questions..if it ISN'T possible to fit this in...will eating more still work for me?

Second..I was wondering if anyone could tell me if and when I could fit in heavy lifting. My teaching schedule is as follows...

Monday I teach Bodypump (low weight/high rep) I know it's not heavy lifting, but I have built a lot of muscle teaching this and am pretty muscular from it

Tuesday right now I teach Pump...but that will change to Body Combat (mixed martial arts class/cardio)

Wednesday I teach 60 min spin, Pump, and cxworx (30 minute core class working shoulders/back/abs/glutes)

Thursday right NOW I teach 2 spins and a cxworx, but that may change to a Sh'bam (45 min dance cardio class)/ CXWORX


Saturday 60 min spin

Sunday Pump

Can I FIT Heavy lifting? With all the Bodypump will lifting heavy make that big a difference? Should I just use more during Pump? If there is a day or two that you see I could fit in the program please let me know and I'll do it! :-)


  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    I don't have an answer but wanted you to know I read it.

    I got winded just from reading your schedule lol Do you need more exercise or are you skirting close to overtraining? I don't know but wonder. Skipping spinning and replacing it with weights would work but I love spinning so I get sad when I think of anyone not doing it lol
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Oh my goodness, wow, like Gemi I too am exhausted reading this. I don't see how you could add anything with all the classes. Maybe try going up a little in weights for pump, but that is difficult with such high reps. Try upping slowly...

    If you aren't losing, most likely you aren't eating enough. You are burning a good amount of cals daily, I hope you didn't pick moderate, but at least the next level up for your activity level.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Oh my goodness, wow, like Gemi I too am exhausted reading this. I don't see how you could add anything with all the classes. Maybe try going up a little in weights for pump, but that is difficult with such high reps. Try upping slowly...

    If you aren't losing, most likely you aren't eating enough. You are burning a good amount of cals daily, I hope you didn't pick moderate, but at least the next level up for your activity level.
    That's my problem! I can't "mix up" my routine, and ADDING more is almost impossible. I have just started eating more. According to my BMF my TDEE is on average 3000. I was eating 1700-2200 max before. I lost 40 pounds with a massive deficit, then gained and bounced around for 2 years. I upped my cals to 23-2400 this past week. I'm bloated, and feeling fat...scale and inches are up...but I'm TRYING to stay the course, trust the process....and not try on my jeans. LOL!
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Oh my goodness, wow, like Gemi I too am exhausted reading this. I don't see how you could add anything with all the classes. Maybe try going up a little in weights for pump, but that is difficult with such high reps. Try upping slowly...

    If you aren't losing, most likely you aren't eating enough. You are burning a good amount of cals daily, I hope you didn't pick moderate, but at least the next level up for your activity level.
    That's my problem! I can't "mix up" my routine, and ADDING more is almost impossible. I have just started eating more. According to my BMF my TDEE is on average 3000. I was eating 1700-2200 max before. I lost 40 pounds with a massive deficit, then gained and bounced around for 2 years. I upped my cals to 23-2400 this past week. I'm bloated, and feeling fat...scale and inches are up...but I'm TRYING to stay the course, trust the process....and not try on my jeans. LOL!

    So are you trying to lose still? How much do you want to lose? I'm wondering if your deficit is too big still- it's early days though so there's time to tweak.

    Just think of your bloating as storing up some awesome to be released in a few weeks :) You've come so far from starving to this now- you're doing great!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Oh my goodness, wow, like Gemi I too am exhausted reading this. I don't see how you could add anything with all the classes. Maybe try going up a little in weights for pump, but that is difficult with such high reps. Try upping slowly...

    If you aren't losing, most likely you aren't eating enough. You are burning a good amount of cals daily, I hope you didn't pick moderate, but at least the next level up for your activity level.
    That's my problem! I can't "mix up" my routine, and ADDING more is almost impossible. I have just started eating more. According to my BMF my TDEE is on average 3000. I was eating 1700-2200 max before. I lost 40 pounds with a massive deficit, then gained and bounced around for 2 years. I upped my cals to 23-2400 this past week. I'm bloated, and feeling fat...scale and inches are up...but I'm TRYING to stay the course, trust the process....and not try on my jeans. LOL!

    So are you trying to lose still? How much do you want to lose? I'm wondering if your deficit is too big still- it's early days though so there's time to tweak.

    Just think of your bloating as storing up some awesome to be released in a few weeks :) You've come so far from starving to this now- you're doing great!
    thanks! I was 153....last I checked up to 157...probably more now. At 5 ft 6 I'd like to be at around 145 and 18-20% bf. im around 22-24 now. I just started and right now I'm hating life. At 1800-2200 I never felt deprived or lacked energy. Now I'm feeling uncomfortable and bloated. I'm hoping that stops soon or I don't know how long I'll last feeling this way. Scared to try on clothes is not a feeling I enjoy. :-/
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Its an adjustment.. Of course you never felt hungry or deprived eating at the level you were.. your body adjusted to it. So its only natural that when you eat more, your body goes "whoa!!!" WTF are you doing???

    Give it time.. the bloat is water weight.. same with the inches. it WILL vanish. Once your body realizes you are feeding it the right amount, it will start to drop the fat for you.. but faith and trust come into play.. give it time:)

    As for your schedule, I dont know if you would be able to fit in NROL. Lou highly recommends doing ONLY three days a week with his program and maybe one day or two of low cardio if you must... .. You could try doing it before or after a class, but it just might end up being way too much for you... Id probably concentrate on eating more right now and staying your normal schedule and see what happens first
  • macnurseapril
    macnurseapril Posts: 53 Member
    That's a tonne of cardio! I take it that's your job?

    Can you adapt the weights in your body pump class to work the plan?

    The bloat does go away, and the weight does come off. But it can take a really, really long time to reset your metabloism and budge the scale, especially with all that cardio, and your still not eating your TDEE. (I was eight weeks, and Raynn I think was 10?)

    I'd start meeting your TDEE (protein shakes really help, and there was less bloat for me that way) and protein bars. Make sure you snag protein right after the work out (it made a huge difference for me).

    It does get easier, and your body will eventually trust that you are going to feed it, and will let go of the weight.

    Or as I explained at work the other day, I drank my first slim fast shake 20 years ago, it's going to take time for my body to trust me. We're still working on it, but it's certainly improving.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Bodypump is up to 800 reps per class, so you have to keep the weights lower. Now you should be STRUGGLING by the end, but finishing with good form. Bodypump changed my body, and I'm hoping this program will still work with me without the heavy weights.

    Since I've been eating a decent amount for awhile, I was hoping not to go the reset route as for me personally it's so much food.

    I still have an hour and a half to go in this 24 hour cycle and I've burned 3111 calories according to BMF. I taught pump and then did over an hour of Sh'bam practice + daily activities. That would be a LOT of calories. I've been eating around 2000-2200 for a few months, so I was hoping it wouldn't take long to adjust to 2400. Is that wrong? I'd be struggling with over 3000 and keeping it healthy.
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    I'm just sitting here wondering what you are going to eat when you get to maintenance? You either have to learn to eat more or cut back on the workouts???
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    My maintenance hovers around 3000 according to my BMF. I can't really cut back on the workouts (already dropped some classes) because they bring in's a weird situation to be in! I'm adding a lot of high cal stuff in there to make my 2400. My schedule is about to least for awhile. My SECOND spin class on Thursday will be going on Summer Hiatus so we can stay at the pool! LOL!
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    Oh my goodness girl! I wish I had half your energy. I totally understand it is your job and you really have no choice. I think the idea of higher calorie foods is a good one. I think you said you are naturally more muscular, so I wouldn't worry about lifting heavy right now, just focus on feeding yourself well to support the cardio/lighter weights. Someone else may disagree, but I just don't see where you would fit it in.
    For me, the key to eating more is to make sure I am eating more than I think I should earlier in the day. Yesterday, I worked outside most of the day and just ate lightly, sort of like I usually do and by dinner time, I had way too many calories to eat. I didn't quite hit my goal of 2500 yesterday, but I learned a valuable lesson, on higher calorie burn days, I need to get in more substantial breakfasts and lunches!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I did that this morning. I ate 1/2 a cup more cereal so I went with the 2% Fage instead of the full fat. I should have just rocked the full fat. I have Pump this morning....THEN Sh'bam practice....THEN tonight we teach it to a that's around 3 hours of exercise. I'll need those 2400. I felt like hell yesterday feeling Thanksgiving day stuffed from all the food. Finding low volume/high nutrition/cal foods will be key. My TDEE yesterday was almost 3300. Even at 2400 I was very big in my deficit!
  • macnurseapril
    macnurseapril Posts: 53 Member
    Lucia has also suggested in the past that if you are able to at least meet you BMR, it's better. But it sounds like you are in a huge defecit a lot. I would look at adding things dense in calories in nutrients to make a difference (ie. coconut oil in a protein heavy smoothie).

    Ultimately you have to decide how you want to incorporate fuel for your body to match up with the activity you have for you body.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Lucia has also suggested in the past that if you are able to at least meet you BMR, it's better. But it sounds like you are in a huge defecit a lot. I would look at adding things dense in calories in nutrients to make a difference (ie. coconut oil in a protein heavy smoothie).

    Ultimately you have to decide how you want to incorporate fuel for your body to match up with the activity you have for you body.
    I haven't been using my HRM lately. Would I need to use that during my workouts? Basically without doing this the MFP way, I'm not sure how to net my BMR since I'm going with TDEE -15% and not MFP + exercise cals. Make sense?
  • macnurseapril
    macnurseapril Posts: 53 Member
    I look at my net. I am using the TDEE etc. But if my cals-my exercise are less than my BMR I eat more.

    So if my net is less than my BMR I eat more.

    I does take time to adapt to the increased food, and if your body has been existing on less calories for a long time it may take a long time to reset and get back to it.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I look at my net. I am using the TDEE etc. But if my cals-my exercise are less than my BMR I eat more.

    So if my net is less than my BMR I eat more.

    I does take time to adapt to the increased food, and if your body has been existing on less calories for a long time it may take a long time to reset and get back to it.
    So basically I need to whip out the ol chest strap again? That would be the only way I'd know how many calories I was burning with my workouts. I would then subtract that from my TDEE and if it was less than 1600 eat that back?