Macro breakdown

AmyM713 Posts: 594 Member
I know its suggested to have a macro breakdown of 40/30/30 but what makes these the magic numbers? Is there a way to figure out more precise numbers for my body type, and my goals, right now I'm trying to build muscle, I'm eating at maintenance with no cut.


  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    I would go by weight then.
    I personally do 1 gram per body mass of protein. Fat is .4 pbm and carbs make the rest. This is just what works for me- if you're doing any cardio you'll prolly need more carbs than I do. I do no formal cardio and the 160 or so carbs I get a day work well for me for glycogen transfer party happy happy time.

    Nibble on this video and see what you think- It's about cutting but with some tweak might work for you.
    NSFW- he says BS a few times.

    Obvs I bow to those with more experience here. Just letting you know what I'm up to.
  • AmyM713
    AmyM713 Posts: 594 Member
    No, thank you, any suggestions are welcome, I know nothing more then what I am told so thats why I ask, so I can learn and might have the answers if anyone else ever asks
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    NROWLFW suggests those ratios because it gets you really close to the 1gr of protein per lb of bodyweight. We recommend something that is middle of the road for people to have guidance. Some use different ratios after researching and that is fine. We want you to get rolling and then you can tweak as deem necessary.