Gratitude Challenge



  • CdnPgnMom
    CdnPgnMom Posts: 172 Member
    Today I am thankful...

    - that my Mom sent me her itinerary for her flight here in July. I'm so BEYOND excited to see her!!!!
    - that tonight's workout kicked my *kitten*! That means I am working hard and I will reap the benefits
    - to have a loving husband who took the kids to the park while I went to NEL so they could run off some of their energy
    - that I was able to salvage my day after starting off on a low night
    - that I had the foresight to know I wouldn't be able to study after my workout and studied this afternoon, instead
  • KristaTellier
    KristaTellier Posts: 270 Member
    Today I am thankful for...
    - It being Friday!
    - Having most of my weekend planned out and not feeling completely overwhelmed by it
    - Learning some will power this week when it comes to food because I don't think I'll be able to get in any/much activity today, so I need to be as close to 1200 calories as possible (so far, "ok-ish")
    - The anticipation of Sunday's weigh-in
  • KristaTellier
    KristaTellier Posts: 270 Member
    Today I am thankful for...
    - Christina & Kristy, for truly caring about my progress and offering suggestions. They (and others) have done this before. I know it must be frustrating to offer suggestions that should/would work, and just not have me follow them. So to keep wanting to be supportive even with my (self-inflicted) lack of progress, I'm very greatful. Thank-you!
    - Mentally committing to doing 10k runs in September. A little overwhelming and daunting for me at the moment... but I've already run 3 more times in August than I would have if I didn't commit to doing it. So no matter what happens, I'll be better off for it.
    - Nice weather
    - Being able to get out for a walk early yesterday morning with a friend and then being able to spend the rest of the day with my parents
  • CdnPgnMom
    CdnPgnMom Posts: 172 Member
    I haven't done this for awhile and feel I should given my current circumstances so that I don't get too caught up in the negatives.

    Today I am thankful...

    - for Krista #1 reminding me about this thread and making me think of the important things in my life!
    - for my family - Justin & the kids. Without them right now I honestly don't know how I would get through all of this.
    - for inexpensive food items like beans, lentils, barley, rice, vegetables, etc. Things are going to be tight for awhile and these inexpensive staples are going to help ensure that we are still able to eat somewhat healthy and not fall back on the processed foods we've been trying to stay away from.
    - for the fact that Justin seems happy right now, despite everything. It's like a huge weight has been lifted from his shoulders.
    - for the beautiful weather outside that we are going to take advantage of when we go to the park later.
    - for the friends I've made through NEL. We may not be at the socailize-outside-of-NEL point yet, but I don't know where I would be without them! They keep me strong when I feel like giving it all up.

    I'm sure there's much more, but that's all I can really think of right now.
  • KristaTellier
    KristaTellier Posts: 270 Member
    Today I am thankful for...
    - Christina, for starting this post! I really like it :)
    - Pumpkin that we grew last summer, and Marc cut up last fall... pulled it out of the freezer today and because it was already cubed it made it so easy for me to try and new Pumpkin-Ginger soup and smells sooooo good now that it is made!
    - Our vegetable garden. Zucchaini-Spinach-Lentil soup made that has fresh zucchini and spinach. Mmmm.
    - Yogurt. I really love yogurt.
    - Great weather
    - Marc
    - A day off work that has been very low-key
  • KristaTellier
    KristaTellier Posts: 270 Member
    Today I am thankful for...
    - Christina getting a new job and starting training today!
    - Our garden and the zucchini, cucumber, tomatoes, and peas that it has already produced
    - Our food processor which makes shredding zucchini sooooo much easier than doing it by hand
    - Tomatoes & Oregano. Love them!
    - Sleeping in. Hello 8:30am... if only I could see you more often on the weekends.
    - Sunshine
    - All the free events offered in this area of the city
  • KristaTellier
    KristaTellier Posts: 270 Member
    Today I am thankful for...
    - Parents
    - (more than) Enough food
    - Job flexibility
    - Less than 3 months until Christmas!!!! :)
    - That I've gone almost 10.5 months of being below 160 lbs. My MFP/NEL journal has been s-l-o-w with lots of ups and downs, but in the last 10.5 months I haven't crossed into the 160's. That's a HUGE accomplishment for me!!!! :) So thankful.
  • CdnPgnMom
    CdnPgnMom Posts: 172 Member
    Today I am thankful for:

    1. Hot coffee on a cold, windy day.
    2. Being able to spend the day with Justin while he works because we don't see each other enough now that we are both working.
    3. My new job and the fact that I am enjoying it so much.
    4. Justin finally being happy now that he has found a passion for something. I've missed this side of him.
    5. My NEL crew. Without them I wouldn't be anywhere near as determined to keep working towards my goals and would have likely given up long ago.
    6. Krista #1 for doing her best to try and get some advertising out for NEL and being so supportive and encouraging to us all.
  • KristaTellier
    KristaTellier Posts: 270 Member
    Today I am thankful for...
    - Reconnecting with an old friend
    - My parents
    - Being able to walk
  • KristaTellier
    KristaTellier Posts: 270 Member
    Today I am thankful for....
    - Day off work!
    - First of the month, I like the 1st of every month :)
    - Not wanting to buy 50%-off Halloween candy (first time EVER)!
    - Nov 1st and no snow on the ground
    - Going to the symphony tomorrow with my parents and husband
    - My sister
    - My nieces & nephews
  • CdnPgnMom
    CdnPgnMom Posts: 172 Member
    Today I am thankful...

    - that Chloe feels better and will be able to return to school tomorrow.
    - for being able to spend today relaxing.
    - I got to speak to my grandfather on the phone. We don't talk very often and it was nice to touch base.
    - for the soreness in my butt, thighs, & abs due to the squats and crunches I've done today.
    - that I was able to record my food/exercise and stay on track.
    - for the internet and all of the really cool Christmas decorating ideas I am finding there. I can't wait to make some of them!
    - that Justin was willing to stay up with Chloe last night so that I could get the rest I needed. 13 hours of sleep did me a lot of good!
  • KristaTellier
    KristaTellier Posts: 270 Member
    Today I am thankful for....
    - The Dufferin Holiday Spirit Contest... I had so much fun last night and I'm so excited for 180 families in Dufferin to check their mailboxes this morning!
    - Having my parents be able to participate in the Holiday Spirit Contest
    - Day off work
    - Christmas being 5 days away
    - Health & Happiness
  • KristaTellier
    KristaTellier Posts: 270 Member
    Today I am thankful for....
    - Seeing every day of 2012. Not everyone was so fortunate.
    - New bginnings.
    - Organizing. I love organizing and tis the season for it!
    - Spending Christmas Eve and Boxing Day with my family.
    - Spending Christmas Day and Sunday with Marc's family.
    - Having some Marc & Krista time on Christmas Day (first time in 10 years).
  • CdnPgnMom
    CdnPgnMom Posts: 172 Member
    Today I am thankful...

    - that I have a job to keep our heads above water now that Justin does not have one again.
    - that we have a friend with whom we are able to share babysitting to give each other a break now and then.
    - to have space available free of cost so that the North End Losers are able to meet each week.
    - that, thanks to Krista, the North End Losers have been given the opportunity to attend cooking classes at North Centennial for the next few months.
    - that myself, my family, & my friends are healthy and alive when so many aren't.
  • KristaTellier
    KristaTellier Posts: 270 Member
    Today I would like to ditto Christina's words, because nothing is truer...
    - that myself, my family, & my friends are healthy and alive when so many aren't.
  • CdnPgnMom
    CdnPgnMom Posts: 172 Member's been a long time since anyone has used this board - 4 months!

    So today I am thankful...

    1. For good friends here in Winnipeg whom I will miss greatly when I leave, but hope to stay in contact with when I am gone.
    2. For the excitement and enthusiasm of my family members as we prepare to embark on our next great journey together.
    3. That I have smart children who know how to think for themselves, rather than following the crowd and doing what they are told (though I don't always feel that way when they are arguing with Justin & I!).
    4. For the opportunity to work with the North End Losers and to watch it grow to so much more than I ever could have dreamed it would.
    5. To Kristy for taking over North End Losers for me when I leave. I am so happy to know the group is going to continue and that someone I have grown to care about very much will be at the helm.
    6. To be alive & well when so many in the world suffer. I light a candle often for those who do.