Are my calculations right?

ddiestler Posts: 353 Member
Okay, so I'm think I've come to realization I'm not eating enough. After researching and finding this group I've decided to increase calories. This is what I've come I correct.

I had an indirect calorimetry reading (metabolism) done and it indicated my RBMR(resting BMR) is 1250

I exercise 4 days a week minimum running, elliptical, occasional walking, an hour each time. I burn at least 400 (Per HRM)

so I took my 1250 and multiplied it by 1.5(moderate activity)

It gave me a TDEE of 1875 a day
I then figured out 15% of that which was 1593

So my question then is....should I reset mfp calculations to 1593 would that be enough to trigger weight loss(I've been a very slow loser and plateaud several times for long periods of time..which I then kept decreasing cals. until I ate 1200)

Or should I eat between 1300-1400? and when do I if at all eat back exercise calories?

Thanks in advance,


  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Would you consider a metabolic reset? You would eat tdee for 8 wks and allow your body to adjust to getting maintenance cals and revv up the metabolism then you can start cutting again at 10%. Think it would benefit you to take a break from dieting.

    Just a suggestion. If not wiling then please eat no less than the tdee cut value daily and net no less than bmr on workout days.
  • jackiecroberts
    jackiecroberts Posts: 115 Member
    I am new to the group as well, and as Lucia suggested, I am doing a metabolic reset for 8 weeks. It is really giving me a chance to take a break from the hard core punishing diet I was on and focus on eating good food and a lot more of it!!! My TDEE is 2250!! The only problem I have is it is hard for me to hit that number, so in protein shakes I add flax seed oil and such to try to up my calories. Add me as a friend if you would like, I also have my diary open if you need ideas. Good luck on your journey!!