Any problems? Post em here!!!!

mtkautz Posts: 218 Member
Help each other out! I have never seen a group grow as fast as skinny b*tches has!!! That's cuz we are f*cking awesome!


  • danielle5243
    danielle5243 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm curious to find out what everyone does to stop from late night snacking. With working fulltime and having a 3 year old daughter I feel like it's the only time I get to actually sit down/relax/and enjoy something delicious! I fight with myself EVERY night after having a successful day of dieting. It seem like after about 9pm to eat or not to eat is ALWAYS the question! HELP skinny b*tches! How do you stay out of the goodies when it's time to relax??
  • Amara15
    Amara15 Posts: 211 Member
    For me I stop late night snacking by eating dinner late (not sure if its the best solution) I dont eat my dinner until at least 7 usually later so that way i'm not really hungry up until i go to bed. I also dont have hardly any easy snacks in my house. Everything i buy has to be made, except for fruits and veggies so if i want to snack i either have a fruit or veggie, or I have to put in the work to make food, which usually i'm too lazy to do. I never keep chips or ice cream etc in the house.
  • mtkautz
    mtkautz Posts: 218 Member
    I eat fruits or veggies or have a cup of tea if I'm so hungry I won't be able to fall asleep. Otherwise I just have a big glass of ice water with a slice of lemon.... I drink A LOT of water and it really does keep me fuller longer and cuts down on cravings. When I get bored with plain water I just stick a few slices of something in with it like lemon, lime, grapefruit, cucumbers, etc... anything to give it a bit of a taste really!
    I have a 3 1/2 year old as well... so I know how the peace and quiet can be really nice for a snack but maybe try reading a book or doing a little ab workout or treating yourself with a good tv show.
  • futuremalestripper
    futuremalestripper Posts: 467 Member
    Anyone else have a significant other that is a saboteur?

    Mine keeps saying she is on a diet, but isn't. Instead she keeps attacking mine.
    Last night I had so much homework that I couldn't work out. I still maintained my caloric intake though for 2lbs a week loss.
    What does my SO do? She orders Chinese food for her and me at 9pm. =\ Needless to say I didn't maintain my caloric intake.
  • shellbee823
    shellbee823 Posts: 22 Member
    I do the same thing! I dont keep anything that I can binge on in the house. I have removed all peanut butter, crackers, cookies, and sweets. So when its 10 pm I have to settle for a glass of tea and a handful of fruit. makes me sad at the moment tho! lol
  • MizRik
    MizRik Posts: 108 Member
    I'm curious to find out what everyone does to stop from late night snacking. With working fulltime and having a 3 year old daughter I feel like it's the only time I get to actually sit down/relax/and enjoy something delicious! I fight with myself EVERY night after having a successful day of dieting. It seem like after about 9pm to eat or not to eat is ALWAYS the question! HELP skinny b*tches! How do you stay out of the goodies when it's time to relax??

    I try to keep the cheapo basic Popsicles in their house. They tend to have less than 50 calories and you can savor them over at least 15 minutes. Just the right amount of sweet. If you find sugar free ones they have less calories, not sure how they taste.
  • mtkautz
    mtkautz Posts: 218 Member
    Anyone else have a significant other that is a saboteur?

    Mine keeps saying she is on a diet, but isn't. Instead she keeps attacking mine.
    Last night I had so much homework that I couldn't work out. I still maintained my caloric intake though for 2lbs a week loss.
    What does my SO do? She orders Chinese food for her and me at 9pm. =\ Needless to say I didn't maintain my caloric intake.

    My SO is 165, muscular, and a bottomless pit. I mean... truly... BOTTOMLESS. If he could eat 24/7 I think he would be happier. So, he always is forcing food in my face because he feels like I am 'starving' which I am not... I eat all the time, the things I have preplanned. For instance, today he sat down with a half gallon of ice cream and munched away.... offering me bites every time.

    I'm used to this now.... and I'm used to refusing the food. But watching him eat all the things I crave and would love to binge on kills me!

    You just need to get used to standing up for your diet!! Eventually the SO should understand.... it's great if you try to be healthy together and plan meals together. I think to avoid the Chinese food dilemma in the future maybe you should try pre-plan meals so there is no excuse to order in!! :)
  • futuremalestripper
    futuremalestripper Posts: 467 Member
    Anyone else have a significant other that is a saboteur?

    Mine keeps saying she is on a diet, but isn't. Instead she keeps attacking mine.
    Last night I had so much homework that I couldn't work out. I still maintained my caloric intake though for 2lbs a week loss.
    What does my SO do? She orders Chinese food for her and me at 9pm. =\ Needless to say I didn't maintain my caloric intake.

    My SO is 165, muscular, and a bottomless pit. I mean... truly... BOTTOMLESS. If he could eat 24/7 I think he would be happier. So, he always is forcing food in my face because he feels like I am 'starving' which I am not... I eat all the time, the things I have preplanned. For instance, today he sat down with a half gallon of ice cream and munched away.... offering me bites every time.

    I'm used to this now.... and I'm used to refusing the food. But watching him eat all the things I crave and would love to binge on kills me!

    You just need to get used to standing up for your diet!! Eventually the SO should understand.... it's great if you try to be healthy together and plan meals together. I think to avoid the Chinese food dilemma in the future maybe you should try pre-plan meals so there is no excuse to order in!! :)

    I think pre-planning meals is a good idea and I do that for myself. The catch is that she is vegan and I am not, so typically we are always having separate meals and when she gets takeout I am expected to eat it. =P I'd love it if I weren't fat. I just burned a billion calories yesterday to offset it. It sucked.
  • CherishQuick
    CherishQuick Posts: 145
    Could not keep my exercise goal for this week. I'm in a class and my whole routine is thrown off!!! Is it reasonable to say, "Start back on the routine the instant class ends on Friday!" Did not get to run at all this week. Should I try to work out 2x/day next week to make up for this week?
  • cholibear
    cholibear Posts: 86
    Anyone else have a significant other that is a saboteur?

    Mine keeps saying she is on a diet, but isn't. Instead she keeps attacking mine.
    Last night I had so much homework that I couldn't work out. I still maintained my caloric intake though for 2lbs a week loss.
    What does my SO do? She orders Chinese food for her and me at 9pm. =\ Needless to say I didn't maintain my caloric intake.

    My SO is 165, muscular, and a bottomless pit. I mean... truly... BOTTOMLESS. If he could eat 24/7 I think he would be happier. So, he always is forcing food in my face because he feels like I am 'starving' which I am not... I eat all the time, the things I have preplanned. For instance, today he sat down with a half gallon of ice cream and munched away.... offering me bites every time.

    I'm used to this now.... and I'm used to refusing the food. But watching him eat all the things I crave and would love to binge on kills me!

    You just need to get used to standing up for your diet!! Eventually the SO should understand.... it's great if you try to be healthy together and plan meals together. I think to avoid the Chinese food dilemma in the future maybe you should try pre-plan meals so there is no excuse to order in!! :)

    I think pre-planning meals is a good idea and I do that for myself. The catch is that she is vegan and I am not, so typically we are always having separate meals and when she gets takeout I am expected to eat it. =P I'd love it if I weren't fat. I just burned a billion calories yesterday to offset it. It sucked.

    Yeah I know exactly how that is! My SO is a bottomless pit to the extreme. Always munching away on something I know I can't (or rather, won't) eat. Just the other day we went to the mall and I sat there while he inhaled Sakkio Japan. What do I do for motivation to keep at this?? My Fitness Pal!! Everyone on here is so supportive and really helps when I'm doing this alone. Then, I work out my frustrations in the gym :)
  • MizRik
    MizRik Posts: 108 Member
    Could not keep my exercise goal for this week. I'm in a class and my whole routine is thrown off!!! Is it reasonable to say, "Start back on the routine the instant class ends on Friday!" Did not get to run at all this week. Should I try to work out 2x/day next week to make up for this week?

    I have found one of the biggest things I have done to sabotage myself is feel like I failed and need to make it up or start all over. When i feel this way i tend to give up sooner and totally fall off the wagon. I vote just pick back up today and do the best you can. Dont punish yourself with working out 2x/day. Life will always throw kinks into your plan. You can't avoid them, you simply need to learn to roll with them!
  • mtkautz
    mtkautz Posts: 218 Member
    Anyone else have a significant other that is a saboteur?

    Mine keeps saying she is on a diet, but isn't. Instead she keeps attacking mine.
    Last night I had so much homework that I couldn't work out. I still maintained my caloric intake though for 2lbs a week loss.
    What does my SO do? She orders Chinese food for her and me at 9pm. =\ Needless to say I didn't maintain my caloric intake.

    My SO is 165, muscular, and a bottomless pit. I mean... truly... BOTTOMLESS. If he could eat 24/7 I think he would be happier. So, he always is forcing food in my face because he feels like I am 'starving' which I am not... I eat all the time, the things I have preplanned. For instance, today he sat down with a half gallon of ice cream and munched away.... offering me bites every time.

    I'm used to this now.... and I'm used to refusing the food. But watching him eat all the things I crave and would love to binge on kills me!

    You just need to get used to standing up for your diet!! Eventually the SO should understand.... it's great if you try to be healthy together and plan meals together. I think to avoid the Chinese food dilemma in the future maybe you should try pre-plan meals so there is no excuse to order in!! :)

    I think pre-planning meals is a good idea and I do that for myself. The catch is that she is vegan and I am not, so typically we are always having separate meals and when she gets takeout I am expected to eat it. =P I'd love it if I weren't fat. I just burned a billion calories yesterday to offset it. It sucked.

    Well... I guess you're just going to have to tell her she's on her own if she doesn't want to eat what you're eating. And not to bug you with food :D I hate it when my bf tries to force food on me that he knows I want to eat.... it's the worst torture in the world!!!!

    ORRRR you could simply tell her "I'm NOT vegan... I don't eat that stuff" with a disgusted look ;) hahahaha I wonder how well that would go over?
  • futuremalestripper
    futuremalestripper Posts: 467 Member
    It's not the vegan stuff, she actually orders stuff from the takeout places that I love!
    Mmm Shrimp w/ Garlic Sauce!

    I wish all I had to do was turn down nasty tofu.
  • CherishQuick
    CherishQuick Posts: 145
    Thank you so much!