In need of hand holding :o)

Whisperinghorse Posts: 202 Member
Hello ladies, now I know this is going to happen so I dont even know why I'm putting this in here but......

I sorted out my eating on Saturday with some excellent advice from every one....

I'm now set at 1792 + extra if I burn over 300 cals according to my bitfit.... ( from netting 1500 )

Yesterday I netted 1768 (yay me) after a very long walk and 30DS level 2 burning 772 cals :bigsmile: and Saturday and Sunday I was a little over the net as I had splurge time....

Today up a pound :grumble: My main worry is I have a dress to fit into on Friday, and it does fit now, but I'm hoping I dont go up much more :sad: I may need a crowbar!!!

Its water its water its water its water and repeat.....:drinker:


  • rebekahgo
    rebekahgo Posts: 235 Member
    *offers hand*

    You're right. It's water. Don't know if it will be gone by Friday, but you've already started this, so you might as well stick to it. The bloating actually passed pretty quickly for me though. Keep at it, drink plenty of water and watch your sodium.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    *offers hand*

    You're right. It's water. Don't know if it will be gone by Friday, but you've already started this, so you might as well stick to it. The bloating actually passed pretty quickly for me though. Keep at it, drink plenty of water and watch your sodium.

    I agree. Definitely water.

    Also, fitting in to a dress by the weekend that doesn't fit you right now isn't a realistic goal. You might be setting yourself up for failure and disappointment. I say, go out and get a dress that fits and use the other dress as a goal dress.
  • bsinno
    bsinno Posts: 358 Member
    don't torture yourself with ill-fitted clothing!!

    and yes...water. so DRINK LOADS OF IT and show it who's boss

    i upped the week before i was set to BE in a wedding...i felt icky about the extra pound/bloating but no one notices an extra pound or two but you
  • Whisperinghorse
    Whisperinghorse Posts: 202 Member
    *offers hand*

    You're right. It's water. Don't know if it will be gone by Friday, but you've already started this, so you might as well stick to it. The bloating actually passed pretty quickly for me though. Keep at it, drink plenty of water and watch your sodium.

    I agree. Definitely water.

    Also, fitting in to a dress by the weekend that doesn't fit you right now isn't a realistic goal. You might be setting yourself up for failure and disappointment. I say, go out and get a dress that fits and use the other dress as a goal dress.

    Its OK its only a pound, and the dress fitted Sunday, although fitted better last August!! Looking at the weather forecast for here for Friday the dress will be back in the wardrobe and the thermals will be back out anyway!! :bigsmile:
  • Whisperinghorse
    Whisperinghorse Posts: 202 Member
    Thanks all I KNOW its water and not fat, as I hit my goal yesterday spot on so there's no way I ate my TDEE of 2050 + 3500 even though I was scrabbing around to find something to get there!!!

    *Marches up to scale and throws it in a skip!! :laugh: