Are the rules different when you have a Bodymedia/Bodybugg?

graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
Hey guys! Yet another question. I know when using the calculators it's a guesstimate and you eat that cut every day. When you have a BMF or Bugg do you go by your numbers on that instead? My cut is 2400 calories, but last night when I got home I saw I had burned over 3100 with an hour and a half left to go. Knowing this, I know that my deficit is still really big. Do I just stick with the same cut, or if you have this tool do you eat until you reach your 500 cal deficit? Thanks!


  • amylynna1
    amylynna1 Posts: 152 Member
    I try to reach my deficit of 500 sometime its bigger 700 or so but I try to up it to only 500.
  • ashfuse
    ashfuse Posts: 224 Member
    Hey ladies. Those of you who have a body media fit , is the green status light supposed to be on all the time??
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I think I would wear it for a week and get a weekly average to see where you are at most days. If you are consistently higher then maybe you calculated your activity level incorrectly. At that point I would reevaluate and up my daily calories.
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    I am just surprised your cut wouldn't be higher. I know I weigh more and I am a tad taller, but at 165 and 5'8 my cut is 2345. I walk/run 6 days a week (just getting back into running) then do a strength training video for 20-30 min 7 days a week. The classes you teach are burning far more calories than my workouts. 2345 is actually the cut for 3-4 workouts a week but since I am not sure how much I am really burning, I was leery of choosing the high activity of 6-7 days per week. Currently I do Jillian Michaels DVDs and while I always get results and get my heart pumping, I know there are harder workouts and I don't want to over estimate!

    I think if I were you I would do what Heidi suggested and then up your calories. I mean you have come this far, might as well try a little more! Go all in!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Ok, if the device is accurate, then you should aim for no more than the 500 cal deficit. I know of another guy that uses it and he takes the cut amount from the number from the day before and eats that amount each day.
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    I've been wondering that same thing! I've had my BMF now for a little over 2 weeks and I'm always surprised by how many calories I burn per day....even just doing basic things like laundry and housework!!

    I did an average this morning for the entire 2 weeks and it calculates my TDEE at 2800 but the Scooby site says around 2400. I'm going to give it another 2 weeks and stick with the Scooby numbers just so I can get an entire month logged and then I'll change my numbers, if necessary.

    I always end up with a huge deficit (usually 800-1000) which I know isn't good. But I really want my numbers to be accurate so I'm going to wait it out just a couple more weeks.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I am just surprised your cut wouldn't be higher. I know I weigh more and I am a tad taller, but at 165 and 5'8 my cut is 2345. I walk/run 6 days a week (just getting back into running) then do a strength training video for 20-30 min 7 days a week. The classes you teach are burning far more calories than my workouts. 2345 is actually the cut for 3-4 workouts a week but since I am not sure how much I am really burning, I was leery of choosing the high activity of 6-7 days per week. Currently I do Jillian Michaels DVDs and while I always get results and get my heart pumping, I know there are harder workouts and I don't want to over estimate!

    I think if I were you I would do what Heidi suggested and then up your calories. I mean you have come this far, might as well try a little more! Go all in!
    I think that is because I teach spinning a lot. It does not seem to give me an accurate burn with that activity. The day that I teach spin twice I know from my HRM I'm burning over 1000 calories in those two classes alone. I also teach a 30 min core class that day. It will say I burned 3100..and on my rest day it can say 2800! (busy cleaning/chores) So I think some days when I have spin it should be higher. My monthly average is around 3000 a day. Today it is 2:30 and I've already burned over 2000 from Pump and then Sh'bam practice. Our sh'bam demo is tonight so that will be another 45 minutes of working out so I may be closer to 35-4000 by the end of the day?
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Ok, if the device is accurate, then you should aim for no more than the 500 cal deficit. I know of another guy that uses it and he takes the cut amount from the number from the day before and eats that amount each day.
    OMG that would be 2800 calories for me to rock today. Holy smokes!
  • ashfuse
    ashfuse Posts: 224 Member
    For those of you who have the bodymedia Fit , I'm having a hard time setting up my goals. It's totally confused me :/ Like where you add your weight and goal weight and then it says how many calories do you eat..I have no idea what to put. Can some one please help me?